Chapter 43: Hitler's Steel

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"Allright Chaps! Get into yer position! The Jerries are about to arrive within less than one minute" he told us. John and Alfred saluted him while Jesse simply nodded. Then, they all went to their own destined position, ready to fight the strong German Mechanical Forces

{Alfred's POV}

     Those bloody buggers are going to launch yet another but more powerful assault. This time with Robots. Can't they just stop launching all of these bloody assaults!? This is frustrating! But i'll do anything for Britain. My Father did won against the combined Axis Forces of German and Italian in North Africa and he did planned the defense of London before it falls to the German. My father died when he was in his camp when he was attacked by a squadron of German Hovercrafts. I'll continue my father's legacy and brought the Montgomery name as one of the honorary family of the Empire 

"Where in the name of god are those bloody Jerries Robots!?" one of my Men said "Aren't they supposed to be here!?"

"Yeah, now that mentioned's been 5 minutes now and no robots are spotted around here" another one of my men commented

"Be patient and don't let your guards down, Chap. Karl is trickier than you think he is" i told them. They nodded and replied "Right, Sir!". Then we heard something coming from in front of us. We heard metallic stomping and engine roaring. Then we saw shadow of an army marching towards us. Then the Robots, came out from the shadow. They're here

Then i heard my wrist communicator beeped. I looked at my wrist communicator as it shows a Transmission from Colonel Conrad addressed to everyone defending the sector. Colonel Conrad and Gorzia with their personal guards are positioned in the middle. So to be able to communicate with the other defenders, we used the wrist communicator

"Attention to every British and Italian Battalion Commander! as you all can see the German Robots has arrived a little bit late. I don't know why but i doesn't matter. The only thing that matter was to hold them off. When the Robots are within 200 meters, fire at will. Destroy all those robots before they could even penetrate our defenses. If you have members of Beacontown Militants with you, share the message with them. God Speed, Gentlemen!" That was his transmission. I turned to my men

"Alright, Boys! Get ready! The Robot Army had just arrived! We'll hit them hard!" i told them. They nodded as they chanted "Alright, Sir!" as they grabbed their guns as we went behind the barricades and ready to fire when they're within our reach

{M!Jesse's POV}

    They're here. The German Robot Army are here. They're marching towards us. Earlier, John receives a Transmission from Conrad from the other side of the sector. Conrad told John that we have to wait for them to be in range of 200 meters and then we can fire at them. Oh yeah, my group and me are in the same barricade sector with John. This is probably the final fight but i don't see the German Commander Karl anywhere. There are only the Robots with Heavy Armored Tanks

     The Robot Armies i see are just like what the British said: They're not human. They're artificial machine created by the Germans as automatic combat soldiers. They are mindless but they're dangerous and tough. So, i think that this is going to be a tough battle. I hope that we can win this battle

    Oh yeah! I forgot that our group were separated from the other group at the first battle. I don't know where my sister or Lukas or the others now. I hope that they're okay. The Germans are brutal fighters and they had no mercy. But i doubt that. I'm sure they can handle the Germans. Not everyone even the Germans are bloody murderers who just took anyone's life without consideration. There's must be one or two people like that from them

"Hey uh John?" I called him. He turned his attention to me "Are those things really that lethal?" i asked him by pointing at the approaching Robot Army in front of us

 "Yes they are very lethal. They had strong bodies because they were made of steel, obviously. You need to be careful. Carl controlled those machines himself. I don't know what he's up to, but i know it's something bad" he replied. I nodded in understanding

"Although, Amy here..." John continued gesturing to his Secretary, Amy "She researched about these Robots and she concluded that these Robots have weaknesses" he said "Care to explain, Milady?" He asked her with a smirk. She smiled and nodded at him

"Of course, Darling. As you can see these robots are heavily armored but it was not protected on the head. The only protector on their heads were Regular German Army helmet and the head is their weak spot because it is where their power sources located" She explained

"Oh, so we just need to shoot their heads?" Petra asked her while looking at the incoming Enemy. Amy just nodded at her "Yes, Indeed" she simply replied

     We stopped our conversation when John received another transmission from Conrad. John played the recording from his wrist communicator gadget thingy

"Alright everyone! Open fire! don't let them break through!" Conrad said in the Transmission as we all aimed our Guns at the German Robots, ready for the fight

"OPEN FIRE!!!!!"