Chapter 7: Up In The Air

Start from the beginning

I cast a nervous glance at him as my teeth chattered loudly and then I saw it.

A small black dot in the rear view mirror that grew larger by the second. I bit the inside of my cheek so hard that the taste of iron coated my tongue.

There was no mistaking that black jeep. It was the same one I saw chasing us from the hospital, nearly driving us into a wall to kill us.

My vision blurred with hopeless tears as I realized there was no escape for us this time.

"That doesn't look like the police," Harry squinted at the rear view mirror, looking at the black jeep that was fast approaching us.

"Harry, wear your seatbelt. And don't utter a word," Zayn commanded at a stubborn looking Harry.

Harry frowned at his authoritative tone but when he saw the obvious fear on both our faces he leaned back and did as he was told.

Out of instinct, I glanced at Zayn for some form of reassurance and my mouth fell open in horror when I saw another black dot approaching from his side, just a couple of hundred metres away.

My head whipped to the window next to me and my worst fears were confirmed when I saw another black jeep headed our way as well.

We had three of them on our tail this time, and they were approaching from all corners.

My heart sunk into the pit of my stomach as I wondered if Zayn would be able to outsmart his way out of this.

"Shit," I heard Harry mumble and I looked up in the mirror to see his face glistening in nervous sweat.

He caught me looking and we held each other's stare. His green eyes looked as panicked as I felt but I still felt the same warmth in his gaze as I did in his embrace.

I refused to break eye contact as we stared at each other hopelessly. I saw Harry's eyes widen in horror and felt Zayn's hand rip open my seat belt and pull me towards him aggressively before a loud clang of metal erupted in my ears.

The car jerked violently to the right, almost throwing me on to Zayn. He stepped on the gas and we jerked forward again.

As I fell back into my seat, I could feel metal pressing into my ribs and that's when I realized we had been knocked by the jeep on my left.

I gasped in horror wondering what would have happened to me if Zayn hadn't pulled me away.

"Rosalie, take the wheel," Zayn said in a steady voice.

Before I had time to react, Zayn placed my shaking fingers around the steering wheel and began digging around in his pockets.

He cursed at himself while I struggled to keep us from hurtling off the road and onto one of the jeeps surrounding us.

I screamed when the jeep from behind hit the bumper causing my chest to slam into the wheel painfully.

It took me awhile to regain my bearings as I pressed my hands firmly on the steering wheel to keep us going straight.

"Zayn, I need some help here," I gritted my teeth.

"Got it," Zayn said as he dug out a small hand gun from one of the many pockets in his jacket.

"You're doing great, Rosalie," He cast me a quick smile before slamming his elbow into the cracked window of my seat. He aimed his gun at the jeep next to us and fired at the driver's seat.

The jeep screeched to a halt and toppled forward in its own momentum. I imagined the way the bullet pierced into Charlie's skin and cursed myself for the unnecessary imagination.

Love Bites *Sequel to Insanity Bites*Where stories live. Discover now