the letter

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Dear Slender.

If you are reading thus it means I am no longer here with you. It pains me to think that we are no longer able to see one another and that we haven't talk in many years, I guess it's my fault I that case. As you can see I have a new life, I marry. Human and I have 4 children now, their are quite problematic from time to time but I still love them with all my heart and I have you to thank for. There for I will be very brief about my message and so I am sorry. I'm sorry for how I acted back then, I was young and foolish and I should haven't done what I did, I'm sorry that I broke our promise, but thank you for keeping your end of it, it may not seem as much but I will at least keep your existing secret. I thank you for still deciding to be friends after all and for keeping in touch. I miss you. I miss the times we spend together and all the great moment s we shared. I always wanted to say this but couldn't find the right moment to do so, so here it is. I love you and I'm sorry for everything , I miss you, take care .

With live Crystal 💓.

As I read this letter I couldn't help but cry . I hide behind the wall as I supported my body against the wall as I slid done trying to breathe as I held the letter in my head

" Why...why now? Why did this had to happen? Why couldn't you just have told me this before? Why Crysy why??" I repeat over and over again in my head as I just wanted to disappear and never come back. "Why did you waited 60 years latter to tell me?. No .not even that you didn't even told me, you simple wrote a letter and left it in a picture, were you ever going to tell me? Did you ever had it plan to at least send the letter, even if it was before you died?" So many other questions came to my mind that I could no longer bare to be at this house.

I quickly teleported to the lock first and went toghe center of it and cried out loud not caring if any human heard me as I spent the rest if the day there. Trying to get my head clear up but so far it didn't seem like it was going to be possible.

Not only have she left with a human male and had children she also hide the fact that she felt the same. Am I something that doesn't deserve to be happy, should I not know what it feel to be in love and love back. I simpley hate my life at this moment and didn't want to go back to the house .

I couldn't, Crystal may not be there but her granddaughter is as she it her same image. For now... I'll just stay here to Lear my head.. I think at is was best for me at this moment.

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