meet for the first time

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Nadia had taken sally inside and was now noticing some odd things about the house, buy didnt gave much thought to it.

" why isn't there ant mirrors here? And most of the furniture are old like 18 century?" She thought mean while she made sally some mack-n-cheese.

Sally who was sitting in the dinner table playing with  a stuff unicorn nadia made for her. " whats your making?" She asked as she finally decide to get off the  chair and walks next to nadia.  This caused nadia to wake up from her thought.

" oh umm im making mack and cheese with some chicken nuggets, do like cheese ?"

Sally:" yeap! Aldo masky usually makes a mess in the kitchen when he cooks it"

Nadia:"im guessing his once of your brothers?" She asked as she was serving the food.

Sally:" yeap! His nice but weird a little bit, can i help?"

Nadia think about a way for her  to help, "... ok can you opend that drawe and take out some forks and spoons?" Sally noded happy as she get 3 forks and 3 spoonds and placethem on the table. Nadia came to notice it once she had place their plates on the table.

Nadia:" umm sally sweety we only need two forks or spoond , why did you place  6 on the table?"

Sally looks at the table then points to the dark living room.

Sally:" its for daddy, so daddy can eat with us" ^-^ she smiled.

This made nadia nervous as she looks to the living room and sees nothing as she grabs sally and hold her :" sally there is no one there, and i locked the doors, why do you think daddy is inside the house?"

Sally :" cuz he is, his right their" at that moment the light went off , there was inly the light of the moon entering the windows at that moment .

As Nadia eyes gor use to the dark she notice someone or something sitting on her grandma favorite chair.

She took two steps forward before taming one back as she notice what looked like a man with no face sitting there.

Slenderman:" no need to be afraid child i wont hurt you... yet , as you may know i am know as the slenderman , i usually dont socialise with humans but for this time i have no choose, you see this is my house that i 'lended' to Crystal. " he looks at her and makes and observations.  " which im guessing is a relative of your so I.... hey are you listing t me? Are you their human?" He asked as he got up and got closer to nadia as she steps back and hit something. As she looks up she see a man with black hair , white skin and a big smiled.

Jeff:"  hi there sweet pie" he grins as she hold a knife, " time for you to go to.."

Slenderman :" JEFF! DONT YOU DARE!"

Jeff;" huh?" Mean  while nadia grabs sally and runs to the door only to see masky and hoddie blocking it. She tries to run to the back  door but ben and toby are also there as she decide to go out a window. But as soon as she opend one offender blocks it.

Offender:" hello their miss, care to have a flower?"
She runs up stair and locks ghe door then blocking it with a bookshelf as she holds sally in her arms and grabs hee hunting knife, 

Nadia :" what thw heck are those things??.. i..we have to get out of here..." in that moment her cousint Paola calls her ," hello paola?? Listen you have to help me, please theres this weird creature here at nana Crystal house please send help!" She whisperdd into the phone  hoping her cousint would help but...

Paola cell/ jorgey:" hi! Its me jorgey paola said to call and let you know that slendy is going over and to not worry ok? And to tell him to call us ,ok? Ok bye!!! Say hi to mr.slendermaaaaaan! Click" the called ended

Nadia:".....?" ," WHAT THE HECK!!!"  She then covered her mouth as she notice their was no noise at all , as she hide sally in the bathroom,  she get up to opend the window but felt something behind her as she turn she see the first figure without a face. She was about to scream but he covers her face and whispered.

Slenderman: " shhhh! Its been a bad day for us all , for now just sleep" and with that her eyes felt heavy and she gave into the dark night as he grabs her and place her on the bed gently.

Slenderman: " i am sorry child, we will speak in the morning and i promise to make everthing clear "....

To be continue

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