shopping with the pastas

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THIS IS HELL!! HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ANY SHOPPING EITH THEM? " i internally screamed as i watched.

Ben was following any girl he saw and when i say following i mean chasing, sally was jumping up and down asking 1,000 question per second and saying hi to almost everyone (slender needs to show her to not do that then again maybe that how they got their kills? )

The only one that was camled (or nervous? ) was masky he stayed by my side as we enter the supermarket Econo anf went throw the ailes getting the stuff.

"Umm masky are you ok?" I looked at him while grabing some  Caldo de oso ( its a drink from san sebastian, its kinda like wine, who the heck wants this? Is it for slender or offender?)

Masky just looks at me then looks foward, " im fine... you may wanna stop sally " i looked at him confused as i scan the aile for sally thrn notice she was about to get the last can of a pyramid , "SALLY NO!" I run to her and stop her just in time , i sigh and when i turned aroubd to see that Ben had been punch by a guy whos girlfriend he was hitting on making him fall back on the pyramid that i had just saved from sally. " ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" She yelled as she place sally in the cart and grabd Ben " ok thats it! We are going back home dont caare if im missing stuff, sc**w this!" She goes and pays for the stuff she had and they go back to the house by carro publica which was playing despacito, "just great, señor paga la music si? Que ya no quiero escuchas esa porqueria, gracias"

The guy just looks at me as he lower the music but did not turned it off. Mask was lookuing out the window and sally was doing the same while still asking 1000 question and Ben was knock out cold. as we got closer to the house i told the driver to let us off at the drive trow cus there were trees blocking the way in so he didnt need to pass all the trouble,{i was actually more scared that they would kill him if he got to the house so yeah i lied}.

i grab some bags and sally and Masky grabs Ben and the other bags. While walking back to the house Masky decide to talk. " you do know that Slenderman is not going to be please with the fact that we dint get all the items he required right?" -_-" . i look at him with a Are you series dude? look, " like i care, maybe you can handle Ben better next time so THEN i can ACTUALLY do some ACTUAL SHOPPING!" I screamed without realizing that we where already inside the house, when i look around and notice that Splendor had picked us up on the way here and teleported us here. As a looked around a wave of dizziness came from the suddent teleportation as i droped the bags and cover my mouth while still holding Sally.

"Nady you ok?" asked Sally as she looks at me worried. i turned my face to respond but  black dots  and blurred eyes that i couldnt see anything  and lost my balance.  Everything after that was black, ill i remember was holding sally making sure she wouldn't get hurt and a scream on my ears. "NADIA!!!!"

??? P.O.V

Its was boring, super boring, ultra boring, slendy wouldn't let me go with Crystals granddaughter shopping and there was little to nothing to do here, i walked around the house to see if i can find sometjing fun to do, when i see the study door opend i walked in and saw slendy walking from behind a wall, " hello brother find anything interesting there?" I asked i guess he didnt sense me cus his reaction was quite funny , like a cat when you place a cucumber beside them ^w^ so cute!. Anyway back to the story hehe. Whrn he was going to say something the sense nadia and teleported  to get them and bring them to the house, after  i did so something  happend to her and she  fainted,  was that me?? Did i do something wrong?

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