chapter twelve

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 "Is something up?" Ray asked as they ate, brushing a leaf off his leg. They'd decided to eat outside despite the cold fall breeze, and Frank had just finished explaining (with the help of Bob and Ray) how they planned to finish their task. "You two have been acting really weird. Like, you keep freaking out when you look at one another."

"I don't think you understand what they do in their room, Ray, you retard," Bob said, and Gerard shot Frank a curious look.

Bob has an ongoing conspiracy that we fuck, Frank explained, and Gerard raised his brows. "Wow, alright, Bob."

"This man is literally not straight." Bob said, grabbing Gerard's hand and holding it up. "This is a fag!"

"Dude, what the fuck," Gerard glanced up at Bob, who pushed his hand back toward him.

"Okay, but until the dance tomorrow, I'm straight," Frank emphasized, and Bob nodded begrudgingly.

"What are we supposed to wear?" Ray asked, and Gerard shrugged. "I don't think it matters."

"It definitely matters!" Frank said, making Gerard scoff. "You are so gay," He remarked, and Frank hit him. "Excuse you, we are going to be taking down the school in these clothes, so don't wear anything impractical."

"Oh, right, of course," Gerard said sarcastically.

Bob got up, brushing off his clothes. "I'm going to my room," He announced loudly. "To sit with my lovely roommate who is fucking quiet."

Frank stood up as well. "See you guys tomorrow." He said, tossing out his food and waiting for Gerard to start walking back up to their room.

"We ate dinner late tonight," Frank remarked, shaking his head. "God, I can't believe the dance is so soon. So much is going to happen."

"Mm," Gerard agreed as they went, nodding slightly.

"You okay?" Frank asked, bumping Gerard with his elbow. Gerard side-eyed him as they reached their door. "Am I allowed to kiss you, now?" He asked, resting his hand on the knob.

Frank stammered, "Uh, I – Yeah, I mean, I guess. Only if you like, mean it, though."

"I always mean it," Gerard said as he opened the door. Frank was feeling less tired now than he had before, and was debating whether or not to brush his teeth when Gerard took off his shirt.

Frank froze, completely unable to move as he looked at the other boy. It was like his feet were rooted to the ground and his eyes were locked on Gerard's skin. Fuck, Gerard was hot. Like, really hot. His skin was grayish and the room was pretty dark but not dark enough that Frank couldn't the small freckles or moles or something along the boy's shoulders and Frank had no FUCKING idea what Gerard was DOING by taking his shirt off.

"I'm changing, calm your tits." Gerard snorted, grabbing a clean shirt from his dresser and pulling it over his head. "You're so on edge."

"Since when did you change in pubic?" Frank managed to stammer out, and Gerard shot him a grin. "I didn't realize our room was classified as public."

"I ­–" Frank began when Gerard touched him lightly on the arm.

"You sure I can kiss you?"

Thoughts were running through Gerard's head as they touched; too many for Frank to process at once. The heat from Gerard's hand on his arm felt burning hot, but in a way Frank didn't want to stop. Frank's tongue felt like it was made of lead, and his throat was too dry to force any words out. He nodded slightly, and that was enough for Gerard.

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