chapter six

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"You know, I had the weirdest dream last night." Gerard said as he curled and uncurled his fingers, making the grass grow over the patch of disturbed dirt.

"Hm?" Frank said, trying to look as uninterested and innocent as possible. Gerard shot him a weird look. "Yeah, it was about Mikey. I was kind of missing him, you know? And then he was just there in my dreams – well, not the real him obviously. But he was there."

Frank continued to create the grass over the grave alongside Gerard, praying that he would act natural. Gerard paused, looking up at the sky. "And I told him I didn't want to be here anymore. Because this world sucks, Frank, and there's got to be a better world somewhere else." Gerard paused, biting at his nail. Frank hated it when he did that; Gerard just make the nail grow as he bit it, so it never fucking ended. Frank chewed on his own nails, but at least he didn't do that.

"And he said no, like usual, and created a happier dream for me." Gerard frowned. "But then, I thought I– "

Frank yelped in pain, doubling over and holding his hand to his chest. "What happened?" Gerard asked in surprise, and Frank squeezed his eyes as they welled with tears. "Fuh – Fucking bee, or something," Frank shook his head, holding out his wrist and Gerard sucked in his breath.

"That's the weirdest bee sting I've ever seen," Gerard said slowly, taking Frank's wrist in his hands. Frank hissed in pain, shaking his head. His arm was now red and bleeding, as if someone had taken a fucking bite out it. Frank had meant for it to be a bee sting, a fucking little bee sting so he could end the conversation, not a fucking hole in his flesh!

The pain slowly dissolved as Gerard closed up the wound, knotting the muscle back together. It felt like worms crawling in his skin, and Frank closed his hand into a fist.

"We should go to breakfast," Gerard said, letting go of Frank's hand. Frank nodded, standing up next to him. "Yeah," He agreed. "I think the grave's done anyway. Does it need a marker?"

"That rat's ass of a principal doesn't deserve anything." Gerard shook his head, and Frank smiled at him as they walked, rubbing his arm. "It doesn't hurt at all," Frank admired, and Gerard nodded. "This is probably bullshit, but do you think we're getting, I don't know, stronger?"

"Stronger?" Frank asked. "In what way?"

Gerard shrugged. "Maybe we're getting close to our task, and it's making our powers better. Like, look," Gerard chewed on his lip, brushing his hair out of his face. There was the faint sound of tearing fabric, before a pair of giant birds or something erupted out of Gerard's back.

Frank shielded his face, gaping as the black things unfurled. They were the same shade as Gerard's hair, and looked like they had been there his entire life. "Check it out," Gerard said excitedly, grinning as he rolled his shoulders. They were wings, oh my God, Gerard had just grown wings, this was so bad –

"Jesus, it's okay!" Gerard grabbed Frank's shoulder, calming him down. Frank allowed it. "They go away, don't worry." Gerard said, and just as quickly as they'd grown, the huge things were shrinking, leaving Gerard with tattered clothing and a fair amount of feathers in his hair.

"What the fuck was that?" Frank said in bewilderment and anger, and Gerard looked at him. "Wings! I made fucking wings, because our powers are becoming insane! I could probably do anything."

"Don't fucking try it," Frank said quickly, and Gerard laughed as he fixed the holes in his uniform. "Don't worry, don't worry."

They entered the building – Frank looking around to make sure no one had seen them – and traveled through the never-ending corridors of the school. When they reached the lunchroom it was already full and crowded with students. Frank paused at the door, focusing on taking each thought and slipping into a raindrop. He then let the thoughts fall around him, like the rain at night.

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