Empty the Flask

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6k!! that's insane!! i can't even update fast enough to keep up with the milestones oh my gosh thank you so much, here's another longer chapter!



"You're serious? We're retreating? But we never retreat!" One of Vincent's spies asked him, sitting on a log. They had found Vincent alone in the woods, completely out of it.

The moment Zak and Darryl left him replayed in Vincent's mind like a broken record. He had froze up, been completely speechless, it was unlike anything he's faced before.

I just feel so defeated. After going through everything I did to get here, not even being given a chance... It sucks.

Usually, I have a plan. Any sort of plan for this is now out the window.

"I know, but I made a lot of mistakes, guys. I don't think interfering with Zak and Darryl's lives is going to fix anything." Vincent shrugs.

"You want us to get rid of them?"


"Then what? We can't stay out here forever. We've collected plenty of information just by watching those two, but there's only so much that—"

"—It's fine. Just head back to the Skeleton base, I'll meet you there eventually."

"That doesn't sound like a great idea. You'll probably end up doing something reckless."

"I don't care. I told you to go."

The spies stomped away in the direction to travel back to the city, and Vincent sighed a breath of relief watching them leave. He had no idea what they would tell the rest of the Skeletons, but it definitely wouldn't look good on him. The Skeletons hate to back away from a fight, even when it's one that can't be won. Their tough reputation never wavered, and Vincent definitely doesn't want to be the leader that changes that.

It's times like these where I just want to get completely plastered.

I don't get it. I graduated top of my class years early, but I can't even hold one friendship together. I wish I knew how to make things go my way for once.

Clearly, Zak isn't the issue. No matter how I act around him, it doesn't affect Darryl.

Man, I can't believe when Darryl first found out I was alive he was willing to hear me out. I should have let him listen to what I had to say. Now I'm just filled with so much... What's the word? Regret?

Vincent found himself pacing, and shook his head at himself.

No, more like determination. Regret is a weakness, and I—


He stopped pacing.

Weakness. I've always thought that by hurting Zak, I would be hurting Darryl. But... What if it's the opposite, and I've been looking at it the wrong way? What if... They make each other stronger?

"I'm so stupid," Vincent mumbled to himself. He pulls out a small flask from his pocket, and takes a few swigs. "I did it all wrong." Walking along the edge of the stream, Vincent heads back towards the suburban town he had passed on the way to Zak's house. He didn't necessarily want to go back, but it was the closest place he could rest for the night without being alone in the woods, and anything sounded better than that.

It takes him a few hours to get there. It's very deep into the night by the time he stops, but Vincent had sipped his drink from his now-empty flask and is buzzing with the taste of alcohol on his tongue— So he doesn't mind the exhaustion.

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