Chapter 11

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~ 2 weeks later ~

Y/n's POV:

Two weeks had past since Chan slept over. In the past two weeks nothing has much happened. It was the normal at school with Jeongin and Jisung and Minho constantly being together all the time. I also haven't visited the boys's house since but when the group wanted to hang out, we all hung out.

Ever since that night with Chan I just couldn't get him out of my head lately. Even though nothing happened between us except him and I sleeping in the same bed and him holding me in his arms, which just thinking about it made my cheeks blush.

I tried to get my head out of the clouds and tried to focus on the lesson.


"Wait. Your going to volunteer at a hospital? Since when did you want to be a doctor?" Jeongin was confused on why I volunteering as we sit in our normal spot outside for lunch.

"Yep. Well... you already know what happened with my mom and obviously she didn't make it but I know that those doctors and nurses tried their hardest to save her life and I want to be someone that could save lives. So people wouldn't have to loose someone like I did." Ever since the accident I had always had the thought of becoming a doctor or nurse.

"There isn't enough words to describe how amazing you are." Jeongin met his eyes with mine as he scooted closer to me. "You're such a good person. I hope you do become a doctor, you would be an amazing doctor." He let out his adorable smile with his braces showing.

"Thanks but wow. No teasing today? Are you okay?" I began to let out a giggle .

"I can go a day without teasing someone, shorty." Jeongin lets out a smirk causing me to roll my eyes.

"A day without teasing my butt! And I'm not that short." I cross my arms in protest.

"If your shorter than Changbin then you are extremely short." Jeongin begins to laugh.

"I'm only 5'5!" I stand up from the ground.

"Still short." Jeongin stands up from the ground as he pats my head.

"Okay, enough teasing. I need to know if you are able to take me to the hospital today after school." I push his hand away from me.

"Jisung can't take you?"

"I... I don't want to keep bugging him for rides." I almost forgot about I am the only one that knows about Jisung and Minho.

"I guess I can." He lets out sarcastic sigh.

"You love me though!" I give him a bright smile, knowing he would gladly take me. I began to walk back to class with Jeongin right behind me.

"I do love you..." Jeongin says something ever so quietly for only him to hear.

"Did you say something?" I turn around to face him, tilting my head while curious.


"Oh okay." We continued back to our class not giving a second thought.


It was now the end of the school day and it was time to go to the hospital.

"Ready to go?" I nod my head yes and Jeongin grabs his car keys as we walk to the car.

Jeongin hands me the aux cord and I begin to play Jeongin's and I's favorite song on repeat. We danced like dorks and sang like dorks, with me having no talent of singing. On the other hand Jeongin had that talent. I always had a good time being with Jeongin, he was a best friend of mine that I loved being around.

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