"The Meeting"

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Is there a problem? Alyssa asked the woman.

The woman speaked so softly, she was taken aback by it.

"Yes, babe. I told him I was waiting for you but he didn't believe me" she grabbed Alyssa's arm and intertwined hers.

Alyssa was surprised but she goes on with it.
The man looks confused and angry and then storms out without a word. When the man was nowhere to be seen. The woman lets go of Alyssa's arm.

"I'm sorry for calling you babe, the man is bothering me. I'm really glad you were here and goes on with it." The woman smiled.

"No problem, I'm happy to help" Alyssa smiled in returned.

Oh, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Hannah by the way"

"I'm Alyssa and this is Jo" Alyssa pointed out to Jo. Jo waved her hand.

"Oh, are you two on a date? I'm sorry for interrupting it"

Oh, no no no. We are not. We are just friends. Jo is straight. I'm not.haha. Alyssa chuckled.

"What a coincidence, so do I. Do you have a girlfriend?" Hannah smiled to Alyssa

"No, never had" Alyssa chuckled

"OMG, same here! It's so rare to find you" Hannah exclaimed.

"You mean each other? Yes" Alyssa giggled.

Alyssa and Hannah were talking non stop and Jo decided to butt in their conversation because it's already night and they still need to find an apartment to stay for the night.

"Ummm, excuse me Hannah it was nice to meet you but Alyssa and I still need to find an apartment" Jo said

"No problem, Oh you are looking for an apartment? " Hannah asked.

"Yes, we are" Jo said.

"Hmmm, I'm thinking of having a roommate because I want to cut expenses but it's only good for one person. " Hannah said.

"That's perfect! We only need one for Alyssa, I'm just accompanying her to find an apartment for her." Jo was surprised and happy.

"I guess things happened for a reason,right Hannah?" Alyssa grinned to Hannah.

"It sure does" Hannah grinned back to Alyssa
"So where is your place Hannah? Is it near here or do we need to get on a cab?" Jo asked.

"No, it's just one block away around that corner" Hannah pointed out the tall old building.

"Cool, it's near the supermarket and you just need to walk to your office" Jo said

"Yeah, that's why I choose that place. It's near everywhere even though it's old plus the rent is cheaper than the rest." Hannah explained.

"Perfect! Can we check out your place Hannah?" Jo asked.

"Sure! So Alyssa can see if she likes it" Hannah smiled and looked at Alyssa.

"I have a feeling I will like it but let's see" Alyssa smiled again.

"Okay, let's go there!" Jo exclaimed

The trio walked, Jo was behind Alyssa and Hannah. They were talking and smiling non stop. She rolls her eyes, now she knows how it feels like to be a third wheel, for the first time in her life.

She looked at Alyssa. She has long black hair, past her shoulder. It was wavy and a bit messy because they've been walking around since this morning. She has a dimple in her right cheek. She wasn't too fat nor too thin. Just medium built. She is 5ft. They have the same height. She has long brown straight hair than Alyssa. Alyssa is pretty no doubt and sometimes cute too.

She hopes, that Alyssa will finally have a lovelife. She smiled at her thoughts. She can see the Alyssa and Hannah were talking and smiling at the same time. They turned right and then left before they reached the entrance of the old building where Hannah's apartment is. Jo studied the building for a while.

"It is rather old,no wonder the rent here is cheap. " Jo said to herself

"My apartment is on the 16 floor" Hannah said while she opened the main door of the old building.

The trio rode the elevator.

Jo was quiet the whole ride to the elevator.
Alyssa and Hannah was quiet too. Though Hannah kept on looking Alyssa.

Alyssa was just looking at the elevator doorway. Hannah kept close to Alyssa while the elevator moves up. The elevator opened and they were at the 16th floor.

"My apartment is on the end of this hallway" Hannah gestured to her right.

"How many floors does this building have?" Jo asked.

"20 floors"

"How long have you been living here Hannah?" Alyssa asked.

"Just a month, I'm still new here" Hannah answered.

"Oh, is it because your job or it's because it's cheaper here or something else?" Alyssa fired questions

"Yes, yes and yes. I got a new job, I needed a new apartment and another personal reason" Hannah chuckled.

"I see" Alyssa said while her eyes roamed around the hallway.

"Here we are at my apartment, but before I welcomed you inside, I just need to clean it up a bit. Excuse me for a bit, It won't take long. 5 mins" Hannah exclaimed and then goes inside.

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