"The Begining"

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"I never knew being kind will have it's consequences" Alyssa said to herself.

As to why she was at this place. She was walking so slowly in the park, almost dragging her feet one after the other. It's around 4pm, there are few people at the park. The weather is a bit cloudy and breezy.

Alyssa can feel the cool breeze against her skin. She takes a deep breath. She is thinking how all of this started. She saw an empty bench just beside an old tree. Some kids are playing frisbee in front of the bench. A lady walked walked towards her with her pooch beside her. She sat down the bench. Fixed her glasses. It's been a habit of her to fix her glasses when she feels anxious.

She started wearing glasses when she was in college and it just got worse through the years. Today, she is wearing a round black stainless glasses. She took a deep breath again. This time a bit longer. She put her hand to her chin, like she has beard. That's what she do when she is thinking something. She tries to remember how it all started.

Hmmmm. 5 months ago, she was just new to this big city and as a wide eyes naive girl from the province, she can't help but feel overwhelmed by all the buzz and events and people in general. She was amused by all of it. She tried to hide it. But she is not very good at it. She had been accepted to work in one of the top companies in advertising that she had been applying for these past months. It's her dream job, so she says. Even though she needed to move in the city, she grabbed the opportunity because it's her dream to be part of that company.

It's Saturday and Monday is her first day at her job,so she alongside with her friend searched for a cheap and near place to stay. Well, just for her. Her friend Jo, is just there to accompany her for the time being while she is looking for a place to stay. They started to look starting morning and it's already Afternoon yet, they still can't find a cheap place for Alyssa to stay.

"I never knew it would be this hard to find a cheap place to stay, no wonder your salary is high because apartments and rooms are expensive." Jo exclaimed

"Sigh, it is expensive and we have no idea it would be this hard. If we are just in the province, things will be easier." Alyssa sighed

Well, since we are already here and you will be starting to work on Monday we need to get our butts out and find a place for you to live in my friend,that's why I'm here! Jo chuckled

"Haha,I'm glad your here Jo, I don't know what I would do without you" Alyssa teased

"I'm not complaining but I'm already hungry" Jo put her hand in her stomach and made a face

"Why don't we just buy something in the supermarket and eat it while walking, we need to find a good apartment for me to stay, please" Alyssa made a face

"Okay, you win this time" Jo surrendered
They walked in the supermarket just a block from where they are standing. They got two bottled of water, some biscuits and bread.

When they got out of the supermarket they saw a woman and a man. The man was harassing the woman. Jo just kept on staring on them. Alyssa nodged on her friend Jo.

"We should help her." Alyssa insisted.

Jo decided against it but Alyssa was already walking towards the woman. Jo just rolls her eyes and followed Alyssa.

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