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** A/N - The song above will work with a computer. **

Even when I never expected to be standing here, I was. I was standing in front of Winters Academy's Private jet. I may not of wanted to be here at first, but when your entire family votes for you and your sisters going to some exotic boarding school for the "Gifted" as the official says. We found out that we were three of the six scholarship winners.

"Hey Ara! Let's go!" I heard Mira say breaking me out of my trance.
"Yeah, sorry." I said moving to go up the stairs and into the luxury of the jet.
"How long is the flight?" I asked no one in particular.
"It is around a thirteen hour flight ma'am." A flight attendant said.
"Thank you."
For the next twelve and half hours that we were on that plane, I was asleep. When I woke up, I found that both of my sisters were asleep and that no one else was around. I decided to explore instead of draining my phone battery.
When the plane finally landed, we were driven in a black SUV to a train staion where we took a three hour train ride up into the mountains. I had asked where we were, but no one would tell me. Since all I coould see for miles were trees and snow and mountains, I was bored out of my mind. I'm not used to not doing something productive, like coding on the computer, for such a long time. I'm not completly sure how long we were on the plane, but I do know that we are very far away from our home in Charlotte.
I never expected to be greeted by the sound of three males yelling at the tv when we entered the house - or to better put it, the mansion. We walked into the living room where we were met with three boys all with an XBOX controller in their hands all yelling at the tv screen. The official clearing his throat made all three whip their heads over to us, shock and surprise written all over their faces. I watched as one of them stood up to face us, "Hello Mr. Damiani. Whose this?"

"These," The official - or Mr. Damiani - motioned to the three of us," Are your new roommates. I know that they are late and girls, but we have a housing shortage and since you're all scholarship recipients, then that means you can live here together."
"Oh well that's... nice" The same boy said.

"OK, so I'm going to go and let you situate yourselves. Good day." And with that he left us there standing with three unknown greek gods.

The silence was soon broken by the same guy that was talking to the official. "Well, um... I'm Nick, and these are my idiot brothers Alec who is nineteen, and Carson who is seventeen, and I'm eighteen."

"Wait so if you are nineteen and eighteen the why are you here? I thought it was just for our Senior year?"

"You didn't know? There is a college also. If you excel during your senior year than you have the option of returning back after the summer. That's why Alec and I are here, Carson though is senior."

"Oh well, we are all seniors, seventeen, and triplets. I'm Arabella, and these are my sisters Isabelle, and Mirabelle."

"Well you certainly are pretty." I heard one of them mumble.

"So do either of you want to show us around or are we just going to stay here all night?" I heard Izy say.

"Oh right, sorry, This way." And with that we started walking, leaving our bags by the couch, around gigantic house that we will call home.
By the time we were done with the tour and gotten settled in, I found out that they have an attic home theater, a dance studio, and a computer/math room, there is also a huge new kitchen that Nick said he mostly uses. There is also a science/art room, at the very end of the tour the boys showed us to our rooms which were placed next to each other in a long hallway, with the boys' rooms right across the hall.

"Hey Ara? Do you want pizza for dinner tonight?" I heard someone say as the came through my open door. I turned around in my chair, only to see a shirtless Alec standing at my door looking at me.

"Umm, what kind?"

"Well Nick doesn't want to cook something big tonight, so we thought we could order takeout from the academy. So we voted for pepperoni and banana peppers. So what do you think?"

"You know you could of just asked Izy or Mira?"

"Yeah but I wanted to ask you?" He said staring right at me.

"Oh. Then, umm, that's fine with me. It's my favorite actually."

"OK, then come on down stairs, we are going to watch a movie."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be right down."


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