Chapter 2: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"My name is Chiyo, my princess...: She said as she bowed slightly again.

"Chiyo... This is Mai," Azula pointed to a pale, expressionless girl with sharp features and dark hair that was put up in two buns. "And this is Ty Lee." She referred to the other girl who was exactly the opposite of Mai. Her rounded face and bright eyes basically screamed optimism. She had her hair tied high and braided behind her.

"It is an honor to meet all of you." Chiyo bowed to the girls who laughed.

"She sure is polite now compared to an hour ago!" Ty Lee teased and Chiyo blushed. "So are you, like, Lady Suiren's daughter or something?"

Chiyo shook her head. "She is my mentor, and I am merely her student. I have a long way to go."

"The Fire Lord nearly killed you." Mai stated matter-of-factly. "You would've been toasted and that would have been interesting. But now, everything is boring me to death..."

"I'm sorry if me living was a disappointment for you, Miss Mai..." Chiyo instantly regretted the words that left her mouth, but she bit back her tongue and kept a straight face.

Azula laughed at the brazenness of her, as she decided, new lackey. They sat down at a plush carpet laid out and littered with soft pillows, inviting Chiyo who hesitantly sat down. The three girls conversed freely about stuff regarding some 'Academy for Girls' that Chiyo had no interest in, but she pretended to listen in.

"H-hi... Umm.... Hello, Zuko here... But I guess you probably know me, sort of..." Chiyo's head snapped around quickly to look behind her. The Crown Prince had come down from his seat beside his father and approached them. Now, he stood there awkwardly with a hand behind his head looking away.

"Oh come on, Zuzu! Go away! We're talking to our new friend here!" Azula pouted, trying to send her brother away.

Chiyo stood up out of courtesy and bowed. "It is an honor to meet you, Prince Zuko."

"You too... uhh..."

"It's Chiyo, your Highness." Without meaning to, she had looked up at the prince and smiled.

            "Chiyo, the lesson I will teach you today is very important so listen carefully

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"Chiyo, the lesson I will teach you today is very important so listen carefully." Suiren and Chiyo walked around the Royal Gardens early in the morning, just before the sunrise. The little girl, who had just turned ten years of age, breathed in the morning air filled with the scent of the flowers blooming to greet the sun.

"What is the lesson, Lady Suiren?"

"How to properly smile." The mentor said simply.

"I know how to smile!" Chiyo grinned widely, showing off her pearly white teeth, her eyes crinkling at the sides.

Suiren laughed and shook her head. "You smile like a girl, little one. I will teach you how to smile like a proper woman."Chiyo didn't understand the difference and tilted her head to the side. "Watch." Suiren had an expressionless face to start, then slowly, she looked up and the corners of her lips lifted.

The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now