The Price You Pay...

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A/N: Sorry for the hiatus, I've just been really stressed, sick and had writer's block. I'm still combating all three things so if you enjoy this story help your author out and comment your theories on what happens next.

Narrator's POV

Meanwhile, at Riddle Manor, the Dark Lord sat in his office with the Diary in front of him.

With a wave, Lord Voldemort frees his younger self from the Diary.

The Diary Horcrux found himself sitting across from his original self, "What do you want?"

"I want you to do what I cannot: infiltrate the Ministry and control the Minister." Voldemort smoothly answered

"Why would I do that?" The younger version asked

"Because, I can give you something you like."

"Which would be?"

"Harry." The Dark Lord answered, "Well, a copy of him anyways. I plan on teaching him Dark Magic over the summer, horcuxes included. If you do this for me I will get him to make his horcrux the diary as well."

The teenage version of himself smirked, "Then we seem to have a deal."


A week passed at Hogwarts and Harry found himself riding the Hogwarts Express away from the school.

Harry was extremely excited: Tom was the one coming to get him!

Normally, he was picked up by either the LeStranges or the Malfoys and simply flooed home, but Tom had said that he would be coming under glamour!

His older soulmate had said that the only thing he would be glamouring would be his eyes and hair, making the former brown instead of red and the latter a dirty blonde instead of brown.

Once at the station, Harry quickly found him near the back, wearing a green shirt and grey pants —one of the few non-black outfits Tom wore.

"Hi!" Harry smiled, his luggage following him

"Hello, love." Tom greeted, taking Harry's hand

Tom then apparated home, still holding Harry's hand as he led them to the living room —the luggage floating to Harry's room instead.

Tom sat on the black velvet couch and motioned Harry to do the same.

Harry did as motioned, leaning against the emerald green throw-pillow, "Is something wrong, Tom?"

"Of course not, love." Tom answered, caressing Harry's face, "I just wanted to discuss something important with you."

"What?" Harry cutely asked

"I want you to learn Dark Magic, I want to teach you what I know." Tom answered

Harry gulped, knowing the toll that come with that knowledge.

Tom brought Harry's hand towards his face and kissed it, "I know you're scared, but it's nothing like the Ministry claims it to be."

"Ok, I will, on one condition." Harry said, not wanting to disappoint Tom, "I don't want to kill someone."

"I can't promise that, love, I have to have you kill at least once. If you don't you won't be able to stay with me forever." Tom said, "But I'll help though, I'll make it easy for you, it'll be someone you hate."

Harry reared up slightly, knowing of only a few people that could possible be, knowing that meant he would have to face them again.


Late that night, far after Harry was asleep, Lord Voldemort was still at work.

He had finished planning the raid to come in a week's time and now he was planning Harry's lessons.

To do so, he went to one of the empty bedrooms in his home, one that contained only a mirror and a chair.

Summoning a piece of chalk, he sketched out a protection ward that would prevent Harry from harming himself or his instructor.

With that done, the Dark Lord went to go check on the 'practice dummies'.

He saw that there water bowls were empty as was there plates.

He replenished them, filling their bowls with dirty water and giving them what he liked to call 'slop'.

It was the leftovers of whatever he and Harry hadn't eaten and what the house-eves refused to eat soaked with water and mashed.

It kept his prisoners healthy but denied them the pleasure of eating good food.

Bored and feeling tingly, Tom knew he needed to inflict pain.

He chose the woman, he walked in front of her spell and casted a quick, silent and wandless 'Crucio'.

Petunia was immediately awoken and began to scream and thrash on the ground, waking her husband and son in the process in their own cages.

Immediately, relief and calm spread through the Dark Lord's veins, feeling almost pleasurable as he tortured the horse-looking woman.

A familiar dark chuckle filled Voldemort's mind, a shadowy, seductive voice that was neither male or female spoke to him, "Yes, my Dark Lord, inflict more pain, kill this bitch. Yes, bring another to me, teach the boy what you know. Let him learn the pleasures I give."...

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