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Narrator's POV

The last week soon came to a close and the students returned home for Summer Break.

Unfortunately for Quirinus Quirrell, he hadn't been the one to retrieve that Philosopher's Stone for the Dark Lord...the brat did.

And since it had been a week since then, he knew that the Dark Lord knew.


Harry hummed as he got off the Hogwarts Express, following Draco to his parents and having them apparated to Malfoy Manor where Harry flooed home.

Once home, he rushed to Tom's office and sat on his lap.

Harry happily hugged his older soulmate and said that he missed him.

Tom kissed Harry's forehead, "I missed you too, love. Do you have the stone with you?"

Harry nodded and pulled it out of his pocket, "Here it is!"

Tom took the red and orange stone from him and placed it in a small black box that suddenly appeared and disappeared just as quickly.

"And Qurriell got it by himself, love, right?" Tom asked

Harry nodded, "Uh huh, I'm just the delivery guy."

Harry was upset that he lied to Tom but it was for the best, he didn't want to tell Tom that he had gotten the stone, that would make Tom grumpy at Quirrell and whenever Tom was grumpy he didn't give his soulmate much affection —which Harry was very against.

Tom kissed Harry's head, reading Harry's thoughts.

He had given Harry the locket so his mind would be shielded from intruders, except him, Harry's thoughts were completely unguarded from him and Tom wasn't going to change that.

Tom didn't like that Harry had lied, but it was for an innocent reason so he forgave him.


Around ten pm, when Harry was soundly asleep, Lord Voldemort walked into his dungeon that was once a wine cellar.

Inside of the dungeon were the Dursleys asleep in their cells, slowly starving –but never enough to kill them— while they 'waited' for Harry to be old enough to learn the dark arts and kill them.

That would be Harry's final test on dark magic before he 'graduated' to Dark Lady.

But for now, they regularly felt the Dark Lord's rage about the treatment of his soulmate at their hands.

But right now, the Dark Lord wasn't in his dungeon to torture them, but another who had yet to be put in his cell: Quirinus Quirrell.

He had given that man one job, just one: to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone by the end of the school year.

Quirinus hadn't completed that task, Harry had.

Quirinus had allowed his master's precious soulmate to get in harm's way because of his incompetence.

Harry was never supposed to be in harm's way and for that Quirinus would pay.

So, Lord Voldemort summoned him and Quirinus soon arrived, quickly finding himself in a cell and he knew exactly why: the brat had told on him.

He was wrong, but he would never know that, he wouldn't live past midnight to ever find out.

"Crucio." The Dark Lord casted, sending Quirinus straight into the deep end of pain

Quirinus screamed in agony, the sound wards preventing it to be heard outside of the dungeon.

"You had such simple orders, yet you couldn't accomplish the one task I have given you." The Dark Lord spat, "And then you put my soulmate in harm's way to make up for your incompetence. Diffindo."

Quirinus screamed again as his hand was cut off.


"Which further proves your incompetence." Lord Voldemort replied, again using the cutting spell to remove Quirinus' other hand

He boredly continued the torture and soon killed him with a swift cut that decapitated him.

He gave orders to the house elf to feed his remains to the prisoners and to dispose of the rest.


The next morning, Harry woke up early, his mind still on the school schedule and walked down the hall to Tom's room and carefully opened the door so it wouldn't creak.

He then climbed on Tom's giant bed and laid down next to him, cuddling against him.

Harry didn't notice Tom grab for his wand, before seeing that the intruder was just his soulmate.

The half-asleep man no longer reached for his hand and placed that hand on Harry's hip, "Good morning, love."

Harry smiled, oblivious as ever, "Good morning."

Harry nuzzled against him, getting under the covers on this unusually chilly morning, feeling Tom's hair was damp as if he didn't dry his hair after a shower.

"What are we doing today, Tom?" Harry asked

"Nothing much, I have some work to do but you can floo over to one of your friends if you wish." Tom yawned

"But I want to spend time with you." Harry pouted

"Then we can go to Diagon Alley, if you wish, I had to go run an errand there anyways."

"Yay!" Harry cheered

"Go get ready and we'll have breakfast and go."

"Ok, Tom!" Harry excitedly said, getting up and rushing back to his room

Tom chuckled and got ready for the day...

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