Chapter 8

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"Dear diary,

You were my best friend
My first love
The only one I wanted
The only one I could trust

But then you left me
All alone
You lest me for dust
You left me feeling like I wasn't enough

You had me thinking I'm not worthy for your love
I was constantly asking myself ....
"am I not enough?"
I guess I wasn't since you left me"

"Shall I go out? Or stay home and kill my self slowly?" I asked myself.

"Second Option!!!!" I grabbed one of my many bottles of liquor and drowned myself in it.

I slept it off till i was sober enough. I woke with no headache.

"Yessss biiiiitch! I'm the alcohol queen! Ain't no headaches up in this bitch!!"

I stumbled into the bath and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Damn even though I look like I haven't had no sleep since 1981, I still look cute. Like he-hey bitch it's meeeeee. You mad yo man want me well..... stay mad hoe! Ahahahaha!"

Okay I'm going back to sleep now. Good night.

Poem credit: me

I have no idea what this chapter is. I rushed it on the train. But here it is I guess. They'll get better soon, I promise. Maybe not now but soon.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Love y'all. Have a good day/night🖤.

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