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Muhammad moved uncomfortably on the white plastic armchair while his both hands rested intolerably on the small bed beside him, his head, laid over them. The lights from the raised white curtains almost blinded him whilst turning to his left. He wanted to sleep some more since he had to spend the whole night parading the ward's corridor, and when it was Fajr, he prayed and then rushed back, just to be told that his wife was finally in a stable state.

Her mother had also looked a little better from her disheveled self. She must have cried through the evening. And her support were her family, they'd went back home, brought her and Zarah who had also refused to go back home, some food and clothes to change. And it's the same for Muhammad as well, he didn't acknowledge them when they tried sending him back home, even when Zarahh's mother came, he stood his ground.

Whilst this state, they teased him about how he was behaving, but frankly, it was least of his worries. He loves his wife, and no force in this universe can change that, except Allah!

He finally sat, adjusted his cap and then looked up to check Ruwaida. His brows cringed confusingly when he saw her eyes open, and her, watching his every move. She's awake, but the look she gave him made him immensely perplexed. "Ruwaida? How are you feeling," she looked pretty better, but he wouldn't want to make conclusions. He can tell that somethings are running through her mind.

Ruwaida bit on her lower lip, hoping all that had happened yesterday was a dream. How can she be married to this very man? She had thought, mindless that he'd been talking to her. She didn't feel like answering, nor did she want to wake up from this beautiful nightmare. She couldn't yaw away her gaze from him, because It felt to her, so right to do so.

"Ruwaida?...Waida," he reached for her forehead and gently placed his palm over her head, making her close her eyes, but she was fast to peal them open again. It must have been her sickness that had probably tempered with her senses.

"Ye-es," she uttered slowly looking up to face him directly. "I feel better Alhamdulillah, where's Mama?," she slowly sat up, resting her back on the pure white painted walls.

"She'll be back soon, I hope you aren't feeling any pain, are you," She nodded with a smile, blinking her eyes lazily. "Good to here that, would you like to eat something then? Some fruits maybe,"

"No! Please...I mean...I'm not hungry," Ruwaida hardly knew that she spoke so sharply, until Muhammad jumped and looked at her surprisingly. Feeling a tad bit of embarrassment, she bowed her head down, a ghost smile creeping in and making her feel sheepish. Muhammad as he watched her with kin interest, released a throaty laugh too, leaning backwards on the chair amidst his deride.

Oh Ruwaida!

All her actions only makes him want to fall even deeper in her love. The doors to the ward clicked open interuptingly, making them both to abruptly look up, focusing their attention at the door.

Ruwaida stared skeptically at the women that walked in. Even though she'd never seen them before, she's very sure they have something to do with her wedding. The first held two handbags, wearing a simple white veil, while the woman behind her looked anything but simple, she'd gone an extra mile to look good, and she did have it in her. She slowly turned to Muhammad, mindful of the astonished look he'd.

"Ina Kwana Ammi (good Morning Ammi)," He slowly stood up and took the bags from Aunty Talatu, giving her a bright smile. "Sannun ku dazuwa,"

"Sannu sannu Muhammadu? How's our wife doing? I hope she's feeling better now," He nodded with a smile and made her sit on the couch which is facing the rubber chair he'd been sitting on, from the adjacent side of the room.

Hajiya Bilkisu peered calculatively at Ruwaida, who became fearful of Bilkisu's gaze and immediately bowed down her head. "Ammi? Please you should sit, you must be tired from the long trip," came Muhammad's voice, making Ammi to promptly turn away from her daughter in-law. She squeezed her face in distaste at her own thoughts. She didn't like the sound of the word at all.

She least expected a low life to look so pretty. By Allah even if she hated Ruwaida so much, then she's sure much of it will waver before she leaves that ward. She'd felt it. And her instincts always turn out right. "Hmm Turaad! I've been calling you but you didn't think it necessary to pick my calls because you're now married right? Well! Zarah had picked and I heard that your wife is sick...on her wedding day,"

Ruwaida clasped both her hands together, hoping that will tame down her shakiness. She didn't know how to recreate from the way the woman had openly shown to her dislike. The little courage she'd which she intended to use in greeting them, like a proper daughter in-law, had left her without a trace. She's sure her words won't make sense from the way she's feeling, the moment she tries to speak.

"Ammi I'm so sorry, we've been in the hospital since yesterday and my phone is on silent mode, I would have probably called you back, I'm sorry Ammi," He reached for his nape and scratched apprehensively. He hated the fact that he had to lie to his mother, but he can't also tell her that he intentionally ignored her 23 missed calls, and that, because of his wife.

"Why are you apologizing? It was us that had to bear the embarrassment and not you after all!," now, Bilkisu sounded immensely hurt, she remembered how people kept whispering rumors about her son who got married but refused to bring his wife to his family house as per tradition. They waited for hours, just moments till midnight, but Muhammad never showed up.

He did not pick his calls, nor did any of the others were going through. It was by miracle that Zarah called her and told her about the issue at hand, and only then did people start to slowly disperse. "You can't even imagine how I felt, people asking me questions that I don't have answers to, you should at least have called and informed me, and now look! Hajiya Bilkisu Shima had become the talk of the town...oh, and look, the cause of it all wouldn't even greet us, doesn't she know that I'm your mother,"

Ruwaida heard a mocking laughter deep within her, hating herself that she's started her relationship with her mother in-law on a very bad phase. It's painful! The foods, the arrangements and of course the guests, it must have been very hard for Hajiya Bilkisu to tell them to leave, and that the bride won't be coming. "Ina Kwana Ammi...Ina Kwana," she at her last statement turned to look at the lady on the cushion, who had all this while said nothing, then stared back at Hajia Bilki.

"Lafiya lau," Hajiya Bilkisu didn't want to answer, but the vulnerability and sincerity from the girl made her mouth move without restrictions. She turned to her son with a frown, probably in act to hide her emotions. "So, what did the doctor say is wrong with her?," Hajiya Bilkisu stared at Muhammad as he moved rather, uncomfortably on the bed before he answered her.

"It was just too much stress...Er, so she fainted, but she's fine now Ammi, absolutely nothing to worry about," He gave Ruwaida a pleading look, before hastily looking away.

"Are you sure? Or is it something that you don't want to tell me,"

He feigned a smile and nodded. "Yes Ammi I'm sure, are we still going to Yamma," he sounded hesitant as he spoke. He wanted to make some excuses so they won't go, but there seemed to be no way out for him. Well, except if Ammi is still angry.

"I've already seen the bride, so I don't see it dim fit necessary to take her to Yamma again, I hope she recovers well, Turaad please, be a responsible husband, and I hope she'll do the same on her own part, always have Patience and be mindful of your words as you speak to each other," Ammi looked closely at him, hoping that he'll take her advice, as it seems, Ruwaida might not be that bad.

"InshaAllah Ammi,"

Ruwaida looked down at her nails dreamily, and then whispered 'InshaAllah' hoping, she could do even better than him;

100 comments for an update tomorrow

SilentWriter 🦋

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