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She looked around the cafe and sighed, hitting her fingers gently over the nice glass table. Sitting at the last table on the end part of the restaurant could make it hard for anyone to notice her, which is just perfect!

With her type of dressing, and the refinement of the cafe she's in, she might just look out of place if she had sat on one of those middle tables. Taking up her small Nokia phone, she peeped at the time set on the top of the screen and sighed again. Zarah's an hour late, and if just by any chance, she still doesn't show up in the next 20 minutes, she'll sure go back and help Mama. The woman had been generous enough to borrow her her cell so she could easily communicate with her new Friend and also make a few necessary calls.

She smiled at the short plump waitress that had approached her, hoping she wouldn't be upset if she tells her for the fourth time that she'll not take anything yet. "I'm sorry mam, would you like anything?" She had asked, but Ruwaida gave her a negative shake of her head.

"Er-I'm waiting for someone, perhaps maybe later,"

The waitress nodded in understanding before walking back to the counter, to serve other customers, she sure looked annoyed. Ruwaida, on hearing the sound of the door open, set her gaze to it. And she had almost regretted doing so, when she ended up staring too hard. Just the way he had paused to place his phone into his shirt's pocket, sent her a different kind of charisma.

And then, Zarah had also walked in, adjusted her bag as she always does. Her eyes slowly left the guy and went to Zarah, who had worn just a purple shirt and tight blue jeans. Her veil, as always, wrapped in a turban style. She turned to the guy and said something, patting his hand and then burst out in a feast of laughter, while he only shook his head. Reserved!!

They walked side by side down into the exquisite cafe, until they both had reached where Ruwaida had sat. The guy had raised his brows questioningly, before drawing the chair opposite her and sat himself down. Zarah did the same, turning to flash Waida one of her million dollar smile. "Hey! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting that much, it's all his fault!," Zarah explained turning to eye him as she uttered the last statement.

"It's fine," Ruwaida replied, suddenly intimidated by their sophisticated aura. Being friends with Zarah had turned out really bizarre. And now, the worst encounter of all! Getting introduced to her friend's boyfriend, who she had stared at and had almost, felt a tiny winny bit of admiration. It will even be so difficult to look at him.

She had always avoided looking up at people directly, especially the opposite gender. And with a person like him sitting opposite her, it will be even more difficult. She clasped her hands around the glass cup, and smiled.

Zarah suddenly screeched, raising both her hands up. she looked over at Muhammad then to Ruwaida. Only a thought had not refused to seize. If just by any chance, the two will just smile at each other, then she'll probably look like an intruder. "Mm, Ya.Turaad, this is my best best! Friend, she's Ruwaida, and yes, the one I always disturb you about," she claimed, giving him a side wink. "And Ruwaida, meet my elder brother, Muhammad,"

Ruwaida flinched raising her head to look at him. "Huh? Is he your brother," she had asked, her voice coming almost like a whisper.

Zarah gave her a weird look before she hooted in a loud voice. "Wait, what did you think? Oh God!,"

This is the only moment that a reaction had come from Turaad, as he had only being occupied with his phone. But with the girl thinking he and his own sister were couples, he just had to smile. Them being from different mothers doesn't mean they're so unlike. They do look alike in some ways.

But one thing he didn't understand was how Zarah had managed to trick him into setting him up on a date again. The last time she had done so, it quite did not end well. She just asked him to take her out as she was banned from driving; reason for a different time. And he did agree, since he was off-duty, and had all the day to himself. The thought of some fresh air felt good, which made him agree instantly.

When they arrived at the cafe, she kept insisting that he goes in with her. And now, he's slowly placing the puzzle together. His sister is mischievous and wouldn't stop plotting and stitching one thing or the other. And if by any chance this is one of her "sister-in-law hunt" then, he's probably going to disappoint her.

"What about you Ya.Turaad? What will you like to have," Zarah's voice dragged him out of his trance, and he turned to answer her.

"Just a cup of coffee, no sugar," he replied briskly, drawing his attention to his phone in an attempt to ignore how Ruwaida spoke. The calmness of her voice drew his attention. It was like she was forcing the words out of herself.

"I'm really serious Zarah, I don't want anything, just a bottle of water,"

Zarah glared at her jokingly. "I'll get you whatever I get myself, and I'm serious too! No objections," she deadpanned, raising a hand up as she looked over to the waitress.

Ruwaida gazed down at her hands and smiled, suddenly deprived of ways to talk Zarah out of spending money on her. She went through the cafe's menu, and men! Their prices were so absurd. She couldn't tell why people will eat the same type of rice for inflated prices as such. Just three plates of their rice will surely help repair her Father's motorcycle.

It was funny how they'll always come out of the veranda minutes before their father arrives so they could laugh at the noises his cycle engine makes when he's about to park. And somehow, he'll join them to laugh at the poor thing.

Ruwaida placed down her hands from the table, giving the waitress space so she could place the different multiplicity of dishes Zarah had successfully orders. "Help yourself, anything you like," Zarah ensued, already digging into her own plate of paella.

Ruwaida sighed and picked up the fork, thinking of all the possible ways the rice will pour off it. How would she even eat with a fork?!

Muhammad raised his head up, mistakenly letting himself to glance at her, watching how she went on to twirl the fork, while Zarah kept ranting over different things. And then, Ruwaida Will occasionally smile, and give a short reply.

It was to him, very unusual. Because all of Zarah's friends he had come to know were never anything close to calm. It's either they're  two lousy or too Barbie dolled up. And for people of their age, it might seem a little too much. And then, she comes along. Even her face was plain. And not to mention the hijaab and an Ankara she had worn.

Zarah placed her foot harshly over her brother's, the smile she had own was priceless. He yawed his gaze to glare at her, but he refrained, knowing the teasing look she had. "Mm, I'll just go to the washroom," she bagan, taking the tissue to wipe her face as she stood up. "I'll be back, just five minutes, and don't talk much without me," she finished, winking at him for the 2nd time that day.

"Here, you can just use the spoon," he ushered, taking it from beside his bowl of soup. Ruwaida hesitated before finally nodding and collected.

"Thank you," she said, expressing her gratitude with a wide smile. It took all in him not to retaliate the smile. It just took all in him. And he just knew that, for ones, Zarah might have really won!

Silentwriter ☕️

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