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Dr Zainab picked Leila from school, bought them some food on the way as they drove home while playing a calming recitation from the radio of the car. She noticed Leila was very quiet that day, but she couldn't ask the reason behind her solemnness. Even she found herself on pins and needles, and the only consolation Zainab could offer her daughter were chocolates, until her mood loomed.

They arrived home later than they usually do due to them branching at Leila's favorite toy store. Baba Hamisu rushed from inside the house a little shakily as he opened the gate. Zainab did not seem to notice his petrified looks until she'd parked inside and found a car in the garage, and that, where she was supposed to park.

"Who's this?," She wondered openly, looking around the house as if looking for the owner of the white Lexus. She'd never had a guest since she moved to that neighborhood, so finding someone with the audacity to just drive in and park, then leave the car there seemed unlikely to her.

She nevertheless turned to Leila and unstrapped the seatbelt watching as Leila herself opened the door and walked out, skipping up and down without a care in the world. As long as she had her Mama and chocolates, she thought life had given all to her.

Baba Hamisu came to stand in front of Zainab as she locked her car. He opened his mouth to talk but then he calculated his words again and decided they weren't the right words to start off with, he shook his head. "I'm sorry Hajiya, I told him you weren't around but he just do like this," He shrugged in gesture. "And just walk inside the house, I tried to stop him but inaaaa!,"

Zainab narrowed her eyes in slits and took Leila's hand, then walked away without acknowledging Hamisu. Whoever that guy was, she thought to give him a piece of her mind.

Zainab was most agreeably shocked-just at the time she looked down to take her keys from her handbag, a set of black shoes came to her view. She peered intensely at the shoes, keys long forgotten, Zainab moved her eyes upwards to glance at him and no, she'd for sure died in her spot because there was noway it was who her eyes were portraying to her.

"This cannot be happening," She murmured as she regained composure. She looked up shaking her head and again, she alittle loudly spoke. "This cannot be happening!," He moved closer raising his hands as if telling her to stay calm, but Zainab had already lost it. "You have to leave from here!,"

"Yok! (No!) not today Zenab, I'm not leaving Nigeria without you," He had even more determination in his eyes than she did.

She was close to tears when she released Leila's hand to open the door. "Please...if not for me, do it for Leila," By now, she'd unlocked the door and turned to stare at him pleadingly. "Maher, please,"

He looked at her skeptically, as if wanting to read her thoughts. But she hardly knew what to say to him. Zainab had so many emotions lurking at her that she did not know which to make efficient. "It was most important for me to pay you a visit, my life this past few years has been horrible...,"

Zainab cut him furiously. "Do you think it's easy for me? Leaving us to come here? All alone? Do you know how horrible it is? That even your parent do not want to see your face? Do you?,"

He was quiet. She believed he was looking at her, probably reflecting on what she'd said. She heard him sigh. It was only homely for her to speak about her past as such. "I understand how you feel Zenab," He responded in a small voice.

He did not expect their first meeting after years to be like a dog with two tails, nor did he expect Zainab to breakdown like that. He thought her stronger than she appears. "Just leave...," She added, taking Leila's hand to walk past him into the living room. And to her bewilderment, he followed her in.

In the twinkling of an eye, she found him standing in front of her. "Do you really want me to leave?," Even he knew she would blatantly say yes, but he'd went on to try, praying that her answer that time, might turn out different.

She felt too tired to keep fighting her emotions. And she decided to be sincere. "They wouldn't allow you have peace here Maher," She looked up to meet his gaze. "They forced us to break, and now, they don't want me there because I decided to keep a part of you with me," As she said her few last words, she yawed her gaze to Leila, sitting on the couch and unwrapping another pack of maltesers.

As if the excitement of seeing his daughter wasn't enough, he moved towards her with a bright smile. "That does not answer my question Zenab, do you want me to leave?," He asked again.

She wished she might be able to keep him from her family. It would be so very painful if she lets their present acquaintance to delude her into answering him.

Zainab felt as if their togetherness would not pass without bringing a crisis, a something that could alter with her present composed state. For sure, her father would do anything for his reputation and so called self integrity.

She turned to reply Maher only to find him with Leila on his laps, telling her something in whispers and she giggling prettily. Her nerves which were under frustration seemed to have calmed at the sight and she leered in awe. Just the way they sat together had produced this very natural and desirable effect in her, and she wished it could be so for as long as they live.

"How would we deal with my father if he finds out that we're back together? I don't want to be severed in bits, thrice," She spoke and he stopped playing with Leila to look at her.

He rose to perch were she was. He was more in love with her than Zainab could ever suppose. If not because of their mistakes, they could have still being hand in gloves. "I came back to rectify my misdeeds, at least, give me a chance,"

Her phone shrilled noisily, bringing a pause to their conversation. She brought out the small phone she'd been using so she stays away from socializing. "Hello," she looked shockingly at the wall clock as the person on the phone spoke. "No...I went to pick my daughter from school. Dr M Ibrahim I'm so sorry I forgot about the board meeting," she listened as he spoke and she hastily began to wear back her shoes. "I'll be there soon, 20 minutes,"

"Are you going out?,"

"Yes, I'll call my neighbor to stay with Leila...," they both stood without a word before Zainab hung her bag hesitatingly. "When are you coming back?,"

"I'll stay with Leila, we'll talk when you're back from work," Zainab raised her brows in surprise. "Don't be late come on!," He added, taken up Leila as he escorted her to the door.

Zainab smiled before sauntering out the house, waving happily at the two.

Ruwaida has been having recent complications due to her illness and Zainab being her oncologist had to see her file, so they arranged a meeting with Dr M Ibrahim and two other radiologist to see to her upcoming preliminary delivery.  All seemed well, until a few months later...

If you're allowed only one question, what is it you'll ask about me?!!!

SilentWriter 🦋

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