Fight Or Flight?

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Milla stood in the living room smiling her famous smile. "I let myself in," she responded uncaringly. "Well next time knock!" Roger told her. "So who were you talking too?" Milla asked ignoring him. "No one," Chi said. Something told her not to trust Milla with so much information. At least not at that very moment. "Hmm... have you guys found so far?" Milla stared at Roger as if trying to get into his mind.

"We know we are dealing with a wendigo. We know how it came to be, we just don't know how to defeat it." Crystal told her. "You can kill it, yes, or Chi can vanquish it," Milla said this time staring at Chi, was she trying to read their mind? "How would I do that?" Chi hadn't fully come to terms with being a sorceress so the thought of performing was beyond her. "With a spell of course," Milla said breaking her train of thought.

"I can teach you, it's a simple incantation." Chi stared at Milla through squinted eyes. If Milla used this spell before or at least knows of a spell, why hadn't she done it before? And why hasn't it worked? "So why can't you do it?" Chi asked her, still paranoid from Layla's story. "I don't have enough power, but you do." Bucks rubbed Chi's shoulders trying to relax some of her nerves. "Okay, I learn the spell than what?" Chi asked Milla trying to push away her negative thoughts.

"Than it's over just like that. See, simple." Milla told her as she stood in front of Chi and took a stance. "We don't have much time. A new moon will be here soon, right now the wendigo is at its weakest." Chi reluctantly got on her feet as well. "Now repeat after me," Milla told her, her smile still on her face. Milla's eyes buried into Chi's eyes. "Sed creverunt dilabunter." Milla said and Chi repeated. "Good when you face him, repeat this twice and poof he'll be gone," Milla said disappearing from the room just as quickly as she appeared. "How do we find the wendigo?" Mimi asked the group. "We don't we lead it to us."

It's been a few weeks since the meeting with Layla and Milla. Chi and Mimi were riding around smoking a couple of blunts, thinking of ways to not have to do the spell. "I can see if my dad can order titanium bullets. We can order silver knives. We could also just set it on fire. Roger said that's how they typically kill a wendigo." Mimi had been rambling about stories and legends from all over the world that discussed or mentioned a wendigo in the slightest. "Okay, so silver and fire. I'm going to tell the boys." Chi said.

Bucks used his father's connections to locate where exactly the next sighting should be, they planned to go into the woods that night to track it. They planned on killing the thing before it had a chance to escape them. "Girl I just hope we finish in time so Roger and I can have some fun. It feels like forever, we both been so focused on finding this damn monster." Mimi shook her head and sighed. They had all been on edge watching each other's backs.

Every though no one said anything nor bought it up, they could all feel the wendigo getting closer, tracking them. "I know boo." Chi hadn't been able to spend much time with Bucks like she wanted too. If she wasn't helping him feed, they were sleeping. Tired from searching for the wendigo. "I can't believe you got your cookie ate and still ain't give it up yet," Mimi said cracking a joke. "I want too. I really do but the time just hasn't been right. But I have sucked his dick... several times." Chi almost whispered at the end.

Chi wasn't ashamed of what she was doing but she has definitely kept it a secret for about a month or two. She liked making Bucks squirm and want more. It turned her on and made her feel in control. "Oh! And you're just now telling me?" Mimi said. She was happy for Chi but it didn't feel good being left out of the loop. "Girl I'm sorry I just didn't want to have to text that to you. I rather tell you in person." Chi said in her defense giggling. Pulling up to Bino's house, they piled into the front yard to ring the doorbell. "Come inside we got to show you something."

Bino lead them into his little brother's room. The boys had mace, Knives laid out and bullets. "Woah how did you get this?" Mimi asked walking straight to Roger and sitting on his lap. "My husband's work toys." Crystal said entering the room to drop armor on the bed. "So we are really doing this," Chi asked looking at everything laid out. "Yes, we are beautiful." Bucks said pulling her in for a kiss. "So no spell just kill and destroy," Mimi said making sure everyone was on the same page with the plan details. "It's called seek and destroy babe," Roger told her laughing.

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