Remember Me?

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*Trigger warning book deals with death gangs murder sex etc*

Narration: third person

My Intention for this book is to combine the different qualities of my favorite books and bring them to life. I always wanted to read a fantasy book that had the nit and grit of a hood book but was also fictionally sweet. So I hope you enjoy! I am open to every and any feedback THANK YOU!!!

Bino was 7 years old when he lost both parents to gang violence. He was too young to comprehend it but he knew things would never be the same, especially when it came to his relationship with his best friends Bucks and Roger. Until he meets Chi, she sparked something in him that he never experienced before. Can these friends work it out? Is she the one?

It's been 15 years since his parents have been gone, and today was the reminder that he raised himself. Sometimes when he would close his eyes, he can still hear the gunshots ringing through his head and the deafening sound of his parent's bodies as they fell to the ground with a thud. Life wasn't the same for him or his little brother anymore, His baby brother Sam no older than 3 at the time was not old enough to remember it. But they were all there when it happened.

It was a summer night, the two friends went to Bino's house to crash and play video games. Buck knew his father wouldn't mind because as he would tell him when he called to ask if he could stay out, He would always say "I am out working anyways I rather you be safe." The two little boys ran up the stairs quietly towards Bino's room to flip on the PlayStation. Mindlessly in their own world, they heard Bino's mom and dad arguing but this time it seemed serious. Creeping into the hallway both boys sat on the top stairs watching the altercation.

"This is like the tenth time this so-called *sister* of yours is coming to drop off this nappy-headed boy. Tell me the truth Dashawn!" Bino's mother shouted; Not noticing the boys on the stairs nor caring that the child in question Roger was in direct earshot. "Yo, I'm not about to keep having this argument with you Elize! He is here and that's that." Bino's father quickly replied, his voice booming through the house.

Turning to face Roger, Dashawn got on one knee and softened his tone before telling him to run upstairs. Bino and Buckz started to make space when they heard a door slam in the kitchen followed by Elize Screaming. All three boys bolted down the stairs trying to catch a glimpse of the commotion. Entering the kitchen all the boy's ear's Popped, the ear-shattering sound of a gun pierced the room, and the flashing of each bullet hurtling through the room caused each boy to grip their ears and scream in fear. Bino looked around the room for his parents. They were on the other side of the couch holding each other and staring at Bino. He looked around the room until he found the person shooting. It was JERMAINE! Bino's heart started to race as he watched his godfather let out every bullet he had.

Bino got up and attempted to run towards his parents, to do anything in his might to possibly save them but it was too late. Seeing what he was attempting to do both of his parents stood up, allowing Jermaine to riddle their bodies with bullets, Bino felt someone's arms around him pulling him back into the safety of darkness. Pulling him away from his dead parents, pulling him away from a nightmare.

Every night Bino is stuck reliving this moment over and over again. Stuck reliving this horrific time in his life, reliving the day he sent his godfather to jail. Bino never knew what would've happened if he never called the cops. If he never snitched. Bino replayed the events of that night and the decisions he made that followed. A part of him wishes he could go back in time and save his parents, or maybe see what drove his Godfather to do something like that, but he couldn't. While Bino thought about that night, he managed to get his little brother Sam ready for school and messaged Roger to be outside in 5 minutes. It's back to work again, This year he wouldn't get distracted.

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