Who Am I?

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"Oh my god," Mimi hopped up from her seat when she caught sight of Chi, but was stopped by an unknown voice that sounded like a child. "She can come to us." Mimi slowly sat back down in her seat and watched Chi carefully. Afterall she was just shot in the chest. Everyone turned to stare at her, everyone except for the unknown voice. "Oh Money this the little girl you went crazy over, she is beautiful." A woman who looked strung out tapped Bucks on the shoulder, smiling as Chi took a seat.

    The woman extended her hand to Chi politely. "Hi I'm Crystal, I'm Money's- I mean Bucks's momma." Chi stared at the woman who was speaking to her, why did she look so familiar? Had they met before? "Chi you not going to believe this shit!" Mimi broke her trance and took her attention away from Crystal. "I'm a medium." Chi stared at the group, her eyes stuck on the girl who appeared to be about 13 to 14 years old. Something about her smile seemed familiar too.

    It reminded Chi of the man from her nightmare. "Girl, did you hear me?" Mimi said breaking her trance again. "Okay? What the fuck is a medium?" Everyone softly laughed making Chi feel out of the loop. Were they making a joke? "Long story short, I can speak to the dead and the non-living." Chi tried not to laugh, was Mimi on drugs? "She is serious," Roger said to her quickly defending her. "Alright is that all?" Chi couldn't believe her ears. She had to have still been dreaming or she may be losing her mind.

    "You're not losing your mind." Chi stared into Roger's soul. How the fuck did he know what I was thinking? "I'm a telepath well not fully I need more practice." Chi nodded her head at Roger. Yeah, she definitely was dreaming. "And let me guess, you two are a demon and an angel?" Chi pointed at Bino and Bucks before busting out into laughter. Besides, she was still pissed that Bucks shot her, and didn't apologize to her when she joined the table. Bino stared at his hands, "I actually am an angel" Chi was in disbelief. Okay so my best friend talks to ghost, her boyfriend reads minds, and the guy I've known for about 10 months is an angel.

    Chi slowly tried to grasp it all. "I'm not a demon, but I am a vampire on my father's side." Bucks seemed a little annoyed that Chi implied he was a demon. Joke or not it still hurt to hear. "Sorcerer on his mother's side." the woman who called herself Crystal piped up behind him. Chi took a deep breath before looking at the 13-year-old looking girl who was still smiling. "I'm Milla." Her response felt oddly placed almost as if she was following a script.

    Chi was ready to go, what the fuck was wrong with that little girl? "Okay if that's all-" Milla lifted her hand silencing Chi. "You Chi are-" Chi couldn't take it anymore "I'm a what? A Princess a beast? I'm cursed? Can we just-." "Silence!" Milla slapped her hand on the table turning her head so her eyes were buried into Chi's. "You are the key, You are and will be the strongest witch this world has ever seen." "Seriously cut the shit kid!" Chi told her annoyed.

    "You don't have to believe me. The wendigo saw you. She wants you and when she gets to you it will be game over. So when you want to learn what to do next, I'm here." A door slammed open, letting the light from outside stream into the room. Just like that Milla was gone. Chi stormed out of the little cobble-stone house and onto the street. She took a deep breath of air trying to process everything. What the fuck just happened? She had been shot twice Revived, and had the worst dream imaginable only to wake up in a strange home and get told she some important witch?!

    "Chi!" A voice screamed her name before picking her up into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you." Bucks had Chi wrapped in his arms, gripping her in a bear hug. "It's ok alright! Just let me go!" Bucks slowly released her and stared into her eyes there was something else bothering her, he could feel it. "Are you okay?" Chi almost busted out laughing. "You try waking up in a creepy house and get told some shit like that." Bucks smiled and shook his head. She had a point but there was still something she wasn't telling him.

Black MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora