Farewell, Monteriggioni...

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"But he's bleeding." I quickly added, earning a glare from the cloaked Assassin. "It might not be much, but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"It's nothing, tesoro (darling). I'm fine." he began, but was interrupted by Mario as he stopped in his tracks. We were now by the Vatican's gates. I drew my sword, taking a deep breath to steady my racing heart. We would need to fight our way out, but we'd fight as a team.

Ezio barely had time to unsheathe his own sword as a large group of Borgia guards rushed to attack us, but fortunately, Mario was there to protect his nephew. Much to my amusement, Ezio's face morphed into one of surprise as he saw Mario fight like his life depended on it. He was accurate, efficient, proof of the remarkable swordsman skill that was passed down in the Auditore family from generation to generation. We were three against a small group of 20. They had no winning chance. And though we were victorious, we didn't waste time escaping onto the safety of the rooftops with Mario still on the lead. We evaded the cries of archers, with the occasional comment from a random citizen asking whether we were crazy. But finally, we arrived at the city gates. We jumped onto the saddles of our horses and galloped away to safety, back to the safety of Monteriggioni.

That night, as we sat on the damp grass, I overheard the two talking. Ezio had the Apple in his hands, gazing at it confusedly. "What do you plan on doing with it?" I heard Mario's question as I looked up at the clearing sky.

"I don't know, Uncle..." He replied softly with a light shake of his head.

"Listen...hand it to me. You can decide what to do with it later, once we arrive in Monteriggioni." Looking over, I saw Ezio nod and gently place the artifact down onto his uncle's hands. Good. It might be for the best. There was no one I'd trust to keep the Apple safe more than Mario.

It took us several days to get back to Monteriggioni. But at last, on New Year's Day, January 1st, 1500, we were approaching the citadel's gates. I couldn't prevent the soft smile from painting my lips at the sight as Ezio continued to talk. "...and then Minerva talked about the sun. She told of a disaster that occurred long ago, and another that is coming." he explained as we slowed our horses down to a steady trot.

"Sometime far in the future, vero (right)? Then we need not worry about it." Mario shrugged.

"Si." I looked at Ezio in time to see a soft smile forming on his lips. "Perhaps our work is finished." Peace? Already? But then....what about Minerva's prophecy? What about my vision?

"Would that be so bad?" I could hear Mario's question, but I didn't know who he had directed it to. Me? Or Ezio? As we grew closer to the fortress, I began hearing distinct noises of something powerful. What it was, however, I was quick to discover as something crashed loudly right next to our horses, causing them to whinny in fright. But we quickly calmed our horses down before any big catastrophe came to happen. Cannons. I looked around in surprise in hopes of seeing the origin of such attack, but I was only met with the sound of Mario's deep chuckling. "We upgraded the arsenal while you two were away." He explained. I sighed in relief. Thank god, the citadel wasn't being attacked.

"Ahh. And it is now customary for you to fire cannon balls at visitors?" Ezio smirked out, causing Mario to laugh once more.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum