6. The Guardian of Good

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"No," he answers. "I have a responsibility in the mainland." He looks at me with such sincerity. "I'd like you to become that angel."

I stare at him one moment, engaged but one moment with large fish eyes. 


Then I laugh. Uncontrollably may I add.

My father was displeased my reaction after he contently offered me the position. "Why? What is it?"

I shake my hand, still waiting for the laughter to fade. "I'm sorry father," I say still trying to find my clarity. "Do you know who I am? I am a miserable NEET who can't fight for ... uh ... excuse my language ... shit."

"I will forget you said that," he says. "You're very smart Elsa. You have so much potential to learn how to fight to protect those from evil."

I squeeze my eyes shut to expand my aura, I open and point at my obvious glow. "Do you see this?!" I exclaim. "Do you see this silver aura? Few more shades down and I'm gonna have the same aura as those burning in the flames!"

"You could protect the good from the bad."

"I couldn't even protect Anna!" I shout. "Not even myself!"

"But imagine dear," he says, remaining calm. "Imagine if you had the power to. You wouldn't have to mope about your circumstances, because you will learn to have strength ... to be powerful enough to protect Anna, yourself, the people you love. To be powerful enough to beat that sadness that keeps you in bed all day."

That hit me. I couldn't laugh at that because that's when I realise ... I realise that this was the solution to all my problems.

"... How can I learn though?"

"I will teach you," he responds. "As an heir, I had to go through this training before they obliterated that rule." So, Hans is pretty weak. "I only know that basics however."

"I know the basics," I say. "I can spirit contact, channel myself through another being, shield, protection."

"Can you direct your energy to attack?"


"Absorb energy?"


"Cosmic awareness?"


"You don't understand the foundations of energy manipulation," he says. "I will teach you through a very intensive course so we can quickly get you on the field."

"Hey!" I protest. "I never agreed to do all this!"

"So you don't want to do it?"

I fidget. "Fine! I'll do it," I answer. "But, when I get past all the basics ... how will I learn all the advanced techniques?"

"When you get past the basics," he said. "You will learn through the method that never fails."

"And what's that?"



My father refused to teach me all of the forms and the application of techniques until I read the stack of books he provided me. Every single page. Books thicker than my whole hand and times that by twenty. The books only covered basics too, and the history of Angelic powers from our conception. You didn't know how glad I was to land on a page full of illustrations, it was a break from all the condensed text.

I also was forced to make corresponding notes because I was to be tested on everything I learnt that I read in 20 BOOKS! Damn my father for being such a traditionalist. 

But it was good to know I was actually learning from them. Our aura can be used as powerful sources of energy, and since it stems from our own vessels we can use it to our own will. We can also expand our aura to build a sensitivity to our environment, which means that we can be susceptible to enemy threats and identify different kinds of energy in our surroundings which protects us from sneak attacks. Since it was a book that went into detail about the basics, it glossed over different energy attacking styles; like with demons how they had their own individual attack ... like smoke, cosmic ... and--uh, flames. Apparently it develops naturally for each individual.

I also learnt that angels have been historically more powerful than demons. Only because they held a higher vibration and they were created to counteract the evil in the universe. Maybe that's why angels inherited their superiority against demons and other beings ... 

The only thing that motivated me was getting to my father's level, which I thought was advanced since he beat that Fallen with his own abilities ... but it turns out it was only the basic of levels. I needed to get there so I can protect them from the Flight of Freedom and become stronger which I was denied of from Jenx. Why didn't I think of this earlier? This is exactly what I needed.

I gotten so impatient that after reading, I tried to apply the fundamentals into my abilities. But nothing worked that I just relied on studied for my 'exam'. It was more like my father asked me questions and I answered the best I could and he would suss out whether I was ready to apply the theory.

After my series of tests and barely passing. I moved residence.

Mother hugs me tightly. "You just finally came back and now you're leaving ..."

"I'm just a short flight away," I say. "I'm also sorry for the concern I caused you. But I'll be better now ..."

Anna eagerly waits for my hug to. I hug her tightly ... "I'm sorry to ..."

"Just hug me!" she shouts. "I can't believe dad is making you do this ..."

"I wanted to do this Anna."

Anna guides me away from mother to speak to me in confidence. "Are you doing this for a reason that you deep-down know or something?"

"I am only doing this because I'm tired of being sad."

"Don't you think you should deal with this by being a normal being and facing your demons?" she says. "But instead your going to face other demons."

"I don't know what you're on about but I know what I'm doing."

She shakes me in urgency. "I feel like you're making a mistake! I think you're using this opportunity as a distraction from the real reason you're depressed. If you don't really deal with whatever made you sad in the first place it's going to fester and hurt you in the end when you finish all of training."

"Listen Anna," I say firmly. "I am finally feel like I'm doing something to battle against it. I told you ... I know what I'm doing. Bye Anna."

I couldn't wipe away her worry in the end, because she sent my off with evident anxiety.

But now.

Now I will be living freely on the lonely cloud. Hmph, that's a good name. 'Lonely Cloud'.

This cottage on the cloud is where I'll complete my training. The future is bright. 

But even though I thought I was happy and full of excitement ...

But my aura is still silver.

The Fallen Angel Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant