12. Time Skip

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It had been--I don't know how long on. My involvement with the mortal world completely immersed my being, where I would settle on taverns in disguise and stepping foot on my cloud at home felt foreign.

The sudden emergence of Satanic cults has rendered me restless that even a moment of reflection was rare. But a moment of silence is what I try and avoid, the things I have witnessed since bearing the role of the Guardian Angel, are the true terrors of what many mortals face. I have witnessed this ugliness too frequently that it had made me apathetic, emotionless and tired. 

My supplies ran short after my most recent crusade against a small number of demon worshippers. Travelling back to Heaven would drain me of the little energy I have left and working on 10% was the last thing I want to do and I need at least 20% of energy to ask God for more. With the plethora of prayers coming in, I heard from the villagers  that they had attempted to seek help from the local witch. This which may hold numerous amount of potions, even though I do not fully trust witches from this realm, they may hold some ingredients in which I can brew my own.

I leave my cushion of grass to face this witch. I conduct a reading of energies and pinpoint a large concentration of spiritual energy and follow it to an excluded skinny tower, isolated from the village.

As my aura had spread she senses me quickly, I enter this tower and meet her at the top. The witch was on the verge of crumbling from old age, she was surprised to see me. "When I sensed a spirit, I didn't know what it was," she mumbles. "But, ah, you're an Angel. A clouded Angel."

"I apologise witch, but I need a few visibility potions for my work." 

"Hmph. No manners, no wonder I was questioning whether or not I was sensing an Angel." She shuffles her position, while she sits on her poorly supported bed.

"Will you retrieve them for me? Or will I have to make my own?" I ask, it may of seemed rude but I was just truly exhausted.

"Hold on, let me get them," The witch picks herself up and slowly staggers to her workspace. "You may be rude, but I know the good you've done to this village."

"Perhaps the village should implement some law enforcement to stop the idiots from summoning demons and relieve me of work. Aren't starting mobs and raising pitchforks a thing you do in these ages?" I walk over to her, looking over her messy workspace cluttered with notes and ingredients.

The witch weakly giggles to herself. "These aren't just a bunch of teenagers. These are strongly built organisations which are supported by very powerful individuals. Mere merchants and farmers can't do a thing."

"Do you have evidence to support this?"

She moves a few ingredients out of the way. "No," she says. "But it's common sense."

I had been so busy answering prayers and ensuring no innocent lives have been taken, I had lost my primary goal of finding out the source of the cults. Perhaps, I had selfishly put off the investigation because it may lead the individual that I am not looking forward to seeing. But she may ... may have a lead.

"I'm sorry Angel," the witch says while looking at her surroundings. "I am out of stock."

"Is this potion in demand?"

"Not often no. It used to be, anonymous individuals would enter asking for a batch with their faces fully covered."

"They were mortals?"

"Yes, if they were demons of any kind my protection spell would keep them out."

The demons must've made mortals under their influence and replicated the potion. If demons are up here part of these organisations, of course they are the 'powerful ones'. But if they play such a huge role in this, how come I have barely sensed any demonic presence?

"Do you have an Aura Masking Potion?"

"Yes I do," the witch opens the drawer and hands me a single vial. "This is very potent, so one drop will last for several hours."

"Do you think demons could use this and have the same energetic signature as a mortal?"

"A demon matching the same frequency as mortal would be very difficult, using this potion will just hide their energy, in which they will feel like a cold spot in the room."

I stir the contents in the vial. "Perhaps I have been wrongfully been going for the mortal worshippers instead of going for the true source." I look to the witch. "Also ... uh ... do you have anything for energy? You don't have any 'V' drink in this world ... so ..."

"Why not take a rest?"

I force a smile.

"Forget a rest, you need a vacation. I could tell by your aura that you are in need for one."

I laugh. "Because it's silver? You think since I'm doing all of this dirty work for the betterment of realms it would turn back to pure white."

"Silly," the witch utters walking back to her bed. "Your aura is based on your emotional state. I sensed just from your presence an intense loneliness and fear. Your very soul is blurred because of this." Her eyes looking into mine communicated her empathy. "Kneel down." I kneel down in front of her as she reads my soul. Her hand quickly draws away as she is filled with intense grief.

That is when I knew what she saw from my memories. "You saw it right?"

"Yes, you were in solitude. Once your father left you to your own devices, you started screaming, trashing the room with tears falling from your eyes."

"Would you like to know what happened?"


Hi guys, sorry I didn't update. My whole class got run over by a bus and my bestie is in a coma. Sorry for being busy :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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