3. The Black Feather Amongst the White

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I've anticipated the criticism toward me, but experiencing an idea and reality is different. The gravity of my appearance in the society of Heaven had such gravity, that my fear of stepping outside was heightened into a stronger anxiety.

"Mother ... maybe I shouldn't go to Anna's wedding ..."

Mother firmly held my thin arms. "Why dear?"

Then there was a sudden knock on my bedroom door, and without permission father barges in. I haven't seen him in a year. His beard had grown and he had a meaner face on. My actions tensed up this moment forth, I'd huff deeply and look upon him- not knowing a word to say. All I know is that I was a pest to his career.

My mother would rush to him. "Dear! Elsa is saying that she doesn't want to attend Anna's wedding!"

Father nonchalantly places his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay dear, I'll talk to her."

Mother's eyes dart between us worriedly and nods closing the door behind her.

"Why don't you want to go?"

"I don't want to ruin it father."

"What makes you think you'll ruin it?"

"Don't you know what they're saying about me?" I say. "People are after me."


"A lot of people."

His serious expression wavers. "... We have a full set of guards following you wherever you go."

"I don't want to be followed," I tell him. "That would make me look worse."

"You don't have a choice Elsa."

"I do. I don't want to ruin Anna's wedding, she has to enjoy it fully without her worrying about me."

"Anna will worry about you if you keep staying in your room ..."

"Well she'll worry more if I come. And when I attend people will maliciously stare at me and whisper things ..."

His wavering expression finally found it's resolve when he looked over his shoulder and briefly saw his reflection. "You will be attending and that's final ..."

Unfortunately, I was not in the position to further refuse my attendance, especially to father who had saved me from the eternal flames of Hell.

"You should've just let me burn in hell."

The Fallen Angel Part 2Where stories live. Discover now