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I was sitting down in my classroom, annoyed, bored and sad. I looked around to see all my classmates chatting with each other while I sat here lonely. Where the fuck were Jinyoung and Jaebum? Jinyoung was probably still sleeping and being to late again and Jaebum sitting somewhere and reading. I was kinda friends with everyone in the class but I never talked to them. They probably dont even like me.
I pulled out my phone and started looking through some apps. Huh? Whats Amino? I read through the descriptions and tapped on download but my stupid phone didnt have storage again. I sighed and uninstalled  another app and downloaded amino again. I looked around and saw them still chatting with each other and Jinyoung and Jaebum still not here. "Idiots" I mumbled and opened this weird app called Amino.  I looked confused at my screen. "Whats this..?" I mumbled to myself but then the bell rang, signalling that the next lesson started. I sighed and put my phone away.

It was lunch break and Jaebum, Jinyoung and I were sitting together in our classroom. Jinyoung and Jaebum were again fighting with each other as someone I never saw before came in. "Ey yooo whats up" The male screamed in English and Jaebum just kept staring at him. The male turned over to us and smiled towards Jaebum. "Oh wow, this school has hot people" he said in broken korean, winking at Jaebum, who just looked confused. The male sat down on the chair next to me. "I am Jackson Wang and just moved from America." He introduced himself. "Uhm I am Youngjae, the boy that keeps staring at you is Jaebum and the sleepy bitch over there is Jinyoung. Dont mess with him, he'll beat your ass" I sighed softly. Jackson just chuckled. "Nice to meet you guys" he said.

In this moment Yugyeom and BamBam stormed in. "WE HEARED THERE IS A NEW HOT BOY FROM AMERICA-" BamBam screamed and stopped as he saw Jackson, who raised his brow. "Hot boy hm?" He chuckled again. BamBam immediately started talking with him on English while Yugyeom looked to us. "He is hot, but not as hot as Kookie... Wait Kookie! I forgot I had to meet him, buy guys" Yugyeom stormed off, causing me to shake my head. Gosh this kids.
In this moment Jinyoung woke up. "Who's that?" He pointed over to Jackson. I just sighed, explaining it to him. "He called you a sleepy bitch" Jaebum said in this moment. "Oh shit" I stood up, running away from Jinyoung, running straight into our teacher. "S-Sorry" I mumbled, going back to my seat.

I was laying in my bed, finally kinda understanding amino. "KRP..? Whats that?" I wondered, seeing the community's name. "Kpop roleplay..? People do that?" I sighed, looking for other community's. "Korean Music Amino..." That sounds interesting! I tapped on it, joining the community. Being confused, I texted someone random, asking them how it works.

The American Dude
Uhm hey?

Hey could you help me
I dunno how this works

The American Dude
Sure, what specifically
do you need help with?

Well what exactly can
I do in here?

The American Dude
Thats simple, chat with
people, post stuff about
music, like stuff about
music, chatting in groups
and so on

After that we kept talking to each other about our favourite music. Turns out he is a boy, lives in America but is korean and that he likes to rap a lot and was around my age. We kept talking till late night, but then he forced me to go sleep.

As I woke up I saw a notification on my phone.

That American Dude
Good morning sunshine.
Its morning for you, right?

I giggled softly, texting back.

yep, what time is it
in America right now

The American Dude
Around 3 in the evening

After that I put my phone away, smiling softly. He told me good morning even tho it wasnt morning for him, that meant he thought about me, right?
Even in school I was smiling the whole time, even tho I was failing English. "What are you smiling at?" Jinyoung asked me, snatching my phone away. "Noo" I pouted, trying to get the phone back. "Ohhhh has Youngjae finally got a loverrrr? Oh damn you both are lame" Jinyoung sighed as he read through the texts. I got my phone back, still pouting. "Meanie" I mumbled, looking if Jinyoung had done anything to my phone or texted him, but gladly he didnt. After the last lesson I went home fastly, finally weekend.

Jinyoung's POV

"Dont tell anyone that we met" I said, pointing at the younger male. "Yeah Yeah you say that every time we met. I understand" BamBam sighed annoyed, looking at me. As I looked at him my heart started hurting. God how much I hate to do this. "Hyung... You dont like me the way I do.. right?" BamBam asked softly, looking at me with teary eyes. "I dont" I mumbled. "Then why do we keep meeting? Only because you are horny and giving me hope? Or are you too ashamed of me?" BamBam grabbed his back, leaving my house, starting to cry. I sighed softly, hugging my knees. Why am I like that? And then I started crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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