-chapter twelve

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2x03 - "Save the Last One" & 2x04 - "Cherokee Rose"

We're going to survive. ❞

[ CONTENT WARNING! Certain scenes depict a grotesque walker that may be disturbing to some readers. If this disturbs you, please read with caution! ]



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CLYDE STARED out of the window, watching as the dark terrain passed by. His body lurched with the truck as it hit a large bump, which only made his stomach churn more. Shane concentrated on the road from beside the teenager, his eyes only focused on the road in front of him as he gripped the wheel tightly. Clyde was the opposite of the seemingly calm Shane, trembling as sweat laced his forehead from how sick he felt.

The night replayed in his head over again and again, never ceasing. The snarling growls and the screams as the poor hunter was shot in the leg and torn apart. The way his body was tugged like it was a doll by the hungry creatures haunted him, and being beside the man responsible only made Clyde sicker.

His leg bounced nervously as he thought about returning to the farm. He felt nauseous when he thought about what he would say about Otis and how Shane was the one who killed him. Would they even care? Or would they thank Shane for getting the needed supplies for Carl? Clyde wondered, his thoughts and memories only making him feel more disgusting. He inhaled sharply, "Pull over."

Shane gave him a quick, confused glare, "What?" He turned his attention back to the road as his brows furrowed. "Carl could be dead right now and you wanna take a stroll? How—"

"Pull the car over."

The man grunted as he pulled to the side of the road, cursing and swearing under his breath. He watched as Clyde stumbled out of the truck, practically falling onto the dirt. Shane shook his head, "If you're planning on running off, I will leave y—"

He stopped as he heard the sound of the teenager gagging, turning to see as Clyde threw up. Shane looked away, his face scrunching in disgust. Clyde sniffed loudly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as the bloody picture of Otis being consumed by those walkers stuck in his mind.

He froze when Shane jumped out of the truck, walking around towards Clyde's side. The older man stopped in his tracks when the two made eye contact, unmoving. It was the first time they really stared at each other since the events at the high school, almost forcing them to confront the horrors that occurred there. Clyde shifted uncomfortably when he saw Shane's hand glide over a gun tucked into his pants, but discovered Shane was only raising his hand to scratch his face. "We need to leave—"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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