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I love you.


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THE WOMAN stared at the mirror that held the empty corpse of a girl she once knew. Her cheeks hollow with starvation, her eyes sullen with the secrets and sights she had seen. Dark crests of the moon lay under them, making her look even sicker than she was.

More sickness lay deep within her, and held much more than the decaying body that was presented on the outside. Her mind swirling with misdeeds, secrets, and most of all-death. All of which she had caused.

Sometimes she wondered if she could change it. If she could alter even the slightest events so that she would not have to end up there, in that very moment. She clutched the dirtied sink before her and stared deep within the mirror that stood across from her. The woman captured within it was a ghost. Had she really become this twisted?

If she traced back to the beginning of her destruction, it would have to be that night.

The beginning of the end of the world.

Marlee Walsh had a jump in her step, humming a short sequence of a song she had heard hours before. The heat of Atlanta had dialed down in the dead of night, making Marlee smile in just the slightest.

Even after a long day at work, she still couldn't wait to relax at the nearby bar. Billie Jean's. The sign above the double doors was blinking red, some of the letters fading away every few seconds. The outside paint was chipping away, forming weird, inconsistent patterns of exposed brick on the walls. The windows Marlee peeked into to check how many people were inside looked like they hadn't been cleaned in centuries. The whole bar was in need of a remodel, but she loved it nonetheless.

"Hey, Walsh!" Came a nearby voice. Marlee turned to the bright eyes of her coworker, Steven. You could spot his deep blue eyes from a mile away, and the way his hair swirled up made him unforgettable. He swung his arm around her, cackling loudly. "You goin' to have a drink, too?"

Marlee grinned, "Yeah, man." She sighed. "Long day."

"Long day indeed," another voice chimed in. Behind them, another friend appeared. This one was Chris, a petite girl with short, black hair that swirled around the bottom of her ears. She was a frequent partygoer, and it wasn't unexpected to see her at the bar after a shift. "I still can't believe that dude bit me!" She exclaimed.

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