Civil War Part 1

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I walked through the hallway to see Damon and Elena eating each other's faces off. I mentally gag and walk away as fast as I possibly could. I walked into the living room and felt like there was something off. The air felt different. Almost as if there was another person in the room with me. I look around before moving any further.

"Who's there?" I ask and then mentally slap myself. Of course I'm the dumb blonde who asks who's there as if the serial killer is gonna come on out and introduce himself. Hell no. I step forward and scan the room. I look to my right and there's a whoosh of running from a vampire. I growl and look to see where it went.

"Miss me?" He asks and I turn around. A smile spreads around my face and my cheeks heat up. My heart beats faster and I run to him. I wrap my arms around the tall figure and look up at him.

"Yes, very much." I say and he smiles. His dimples make me so happy. Just seeing that he's happy makes me happy and I just wanna hug this guy forever. We pull apart and I smile at him. "How was New Orleans?"

"It was good. Marcel is being quite more difficult than he has to be, but other than that, it's going very well." He says telling me about the progress. I nod my head and sit down on the side of a chair. I take his hand and smile up at him.

"It will all work out, Nik. I promise." We look to each other's eyes and smile. A lot has happened over the summer. Let's just cue you in shall we.

"When are you coming home, Nik?" I ask sadly, trying to hide my emotion. Even though it's going against the major concerns we talked about a few days ago. We always have to tell each other about or of our feelings.

"Maybe in a few days. It's kinda hectic around here. Marcel found out that I was playing the field with our trust. He no longer trusts me or likes me for that matter." He explains in deep thought. I could imagine him shaking his head to get rid of those thoughts. "How have you been, love?"

"I've been pretty good. Except everywhere I look I see Damon and Elena eating each other's faces." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. "But in all honesty, I'm doing really good." I say and nod my head.

"I'm glad to hear that." He says and I hear whispering in the other line. "Rebekah, I don't need this right now!" He yells and sets the phone down. A few seconds later he's back. "I'm sorry about that Cas." I laugh and nod my head.

"It's okay. How are you?" I ask, covering my mouth so I can stifle the laugh.

"I'm good. Just stressed with all the things that I have to get done." I smile. His hard working self needs to get back here so I can hug him.

"I hope things get better for ya there. Considering things going your way."

"Thank you, love. When I get there I have a surprise." I smile and internally squeak.

"Can't wait." And with that, we hung up.

It was the day that he said he was coming home and I can't be any more ecstatic for his arrival. I wait in the living room sitting up side down on the couch playing on my phone. I constantly watch the time and look over at the door. Then Elena called me up stairs. I ran up there so I wouldn't miss the moment Klaus came into the doors.

"Soooo." I say and push his shoulder. He looks at his shoulder and then back at me.

"So what?" He asks smirking, knowing quite well what I want to know.

"What's the surprise, Nik?" I say and stand up. He chuckles and his eyes widened from happiness.

"Do you want to go to New Orleans and live with me?" He asks and I drop his hand. My smile fell and my brows rose. His face become worried and I looked down. Should I really go with him? I mean, we are getting kinda serious, but are we there yet? I have no idea what to do and I really wanna go with him. I just feel like it's a bad idea. There's just that small, tiny part of me that's telling me no. And it's causing this whole problem. "It's okay if you don't want to." He reassures me and I look up at him. His eyes are filled with worry and his brows are furrowed. His lips are slightly parted and my heart sinks.

The Devil's Match (A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz