Are We in the Clear Yet

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I style my hair and all that has to do with getting ready. Once I'm done I go onto my phone, not knowing what to do. I can't help but think that people around here have a tendency to keep secrets and it's been like that ever since I've lived in Mystic Falls. Our parents were always keeping stuff from us. Now it seems Elena and everyone else is trying to keep stuff away from only me. What could be so bad that they can't tell me. I guess I'll never know...

There was a knock at my door again and I got up from the edge of the bed and shove my phone in my back pocket. I stand on my tip toes to see out the peep hole thingy in the door. It's Klaus. I pull the door open and I come eye to eye with the original hybrid.

"We have to go." He says and takes my hand. The door shuts on its own and we're walking at a very fast pace. My head is fuzzy from the tension around him.

"What's going on?" I ask and he looks back at me for a split second and then back to where the hell we're going.

"He found us. We have to go." He says and my eyes widen. How did he find us? Where is he? Is he in the building?

We go out to the car and Elijah drives this time. We jump in the back and Elijah pulls out of the parking spot, the tires skid on the black top. We go forward and go much faster than we did earlier today. Klaus looks behind us and he turns back. We must be in the clear. Elijah drives like a freaking lunatic. Like seriously, he almost got into three accidents and it was his fault.

"Go to sleep, it's been a long day." Klaus whispers into my ear and I look up at him. My brows raised. "We'll wake you if something happens." I nod my head and get comfortable.

I open my eyes and I'm in a dark forest. I get up off the ground and brush myself off. I look up at the moon and see it's almost full. A few branches break behind me and I turn around quickly. My eyes scan the area. I look over the bushes, the trees, and places behind logs. Nothing.

"Hello." I hear a women's voice say. I go stiff and stand there. "I've been wanting to meet the girl my son is falling for..." I turn around slowly and see a lady with blonde long hair. She is very beautiful for being a thousand years old. "You're probably wondering why you're here..." I narrow my eyes at her and she smiles. "Well, you're the sister of the doppelgänger. You're almost an exact dna replica of her actually, but you look nothing like her. That makes you very valuable."

"What do you want?" I say, my nose curling up in disgust. She nods her head and looks away.

"It's not what I want, it's what I need from you." She says. I raise my brows and she turns back around. She's holding a needle. "I need your blood to keep Ben here." She says my eyes widen and I turn around to run. I get stopped by the devil himself. I gulp and step back.

"It's been a while, Cassia." He says and I stare at him, unable to say anything to him. "What? Now that I'm here, you're scared of me?"

"There is something you don't know about Ben." The lady says and I look over my shoulder, not looking at her, but but enough to hear her better. "Ben, here, has been working with me longer than you think. He's the one who told Tyler and his friends where you were." I look back at him and he's smirking.

"You bastard." I say and he shrugs. "I thought we were friends."

"You thought wrong." He comes closer to me and suddenly I can't move. I try moving my arms, they don't move an inch.

"What the hell is going on!" I yell out of anger and Ben gets closer to me. Viens come out under his eyes and his teeth get sharp. My eyes widen and he speds to me. Pain shatters through me when his teeth break the surface of my skin. My eyes fly open and I sit straight up. My breathing is uneven and I look around. I'm still in the car.

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