What Did He Say?

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After my victory rage, Klaus and I went back to the car and drove back to the hotel. The whole ride there we would steal glances at each other. We made sure not to get caught by one another, but every once in a while, one of us would catch their eyes on them. It was a fun and cute game we had going on and part of me wondered why he couldn't be like this to the world. Why he had to be the big, bad hybrid that everyone knows him to be.

Once we got back to the hotel, we saw that Elijah was standing outside the building. Klaus parked the stolen car and got out. His mask going back on for his brother to see. As I got out of the car, I could feel myself changing. I don't know how or what, but I felt it. It felt empowering, like I could do anything.

I walked around the car and to the entry way of the building. Elijah looked at me weirdly. I raised a brow and he looks away.

As I walk through the main part of the hotel, I try to figure out what Elijah's problem was. It was like he was looking at me as if he was trying to find something different on me. I started to walk faster until I got to my room. I had to figure out what was happening.

I got to the door and put my hand in my front pocket. It's not there. My eyes widened and I slid my hand into both of my back pockets. I found my phone and took the case off. A sigh leaves my lips and I push the card-like key into the lock. I opened the door and ran to the nearest mirror which happened to be in the bathroom. I switched the lights on and looked into the glass. I moved my face side to side, I looked at my body, side to side. Nothing was different. What's going on?

From: Caroline

Hey. I know we haven't talked in a while, but maybe you just need to get some stuff off your chest. I'll be at the park at 6.

I didn't open it. I slammed my phone into the sink and looked up slowly. The mirror showed me a different side of me I've never seen. The part that is overly angry, the one that if you look into my eyes, you don't see compassion, you see evil. I pushed away from the counter and my eyes widen. I'm scared of myself.

From: Matt

I'm getting worried about you, Cas. Can we meet up at the grill? Maybe around 6.

I looked who it was. I raised my brow. So now they care? Now they finally give a shit about how I'm feeling and not how poor little Elena is feeling. Bull shit. Do they think I'm that stupid. I'm not weak, I could take Stefan any day. I threw my phone harder into the sink and pieces of glass go down the drain. I look into the mirror and my eyes are back to the evil, mischievous, daring look. That look scares me. But it gives me an adrenaline rush, and I can't help but think, if this keeps happening, and I can't get rid of it, I might as well like it.

From: Stefan

Come and talk to me. I'll be at the cemetery at 6.

I pick my phone up and finally open all those annoying messages. They're all trying to play me. They're playing a game and I'm gonna twist the rules. I'll make sure they don't mess with me again.

I walk out of the room with my shattered phone in my hand, not bothering if I get glass in my hand. I slam my door and walk down the hall. My mind was made up. I'm going back to Mystic Falls.

I open the doors of the hotel and walk to the car. I get it started and back up in the parking lot. Before the two brothers could come out, I speed out of there.

The ride was very long. Maybe it was because I was driving alone or just because I didn't have someone to constantly look at. Cassia, that's weird. I roll my eyes and go faster. It's 5 right now, I have to make it to the place where they told me to meet them.

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