chapter 19

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Alisha POV

My mind just froze up and I was for once in my life at a  loss for words, something that didn't happen very much with my smart ass mouth. Bianca had that deer in the headlight look and Alvan just stood there saying nothing. I guess I  wasn't the only one surprised when she came up behind us, damn if I had my wolf present she wouldn't have been able to pull that shit on me.

"I'm waiting" Her stern voice burning in my brain was the kicker I needed to get the ole brain working again. I wonder how much she had seen or heard before we noticed her there.

"He was inquiring if we had any rooms and I was just getting ready to look to see what was available. "  I used my professional voice and yes I have a professional work tone believe it or not. She didn't say anything back to me so I continue to go with the story I just started. Turning back to my computer and facing him.

" So sir , we do have a room available for you. How many nights were you planning on staying with us."  Alvan raised one eyebrow and had a half smirk forming on his face. He better play along with me or he is so going to get yelled out. I know those wheels were turning in his mind, this would be the perfect opportunity to get me kicked out of the intern program. All he had to do is blow my story and she would run upstairs to get my ass booted out.

" I  will need the room for at least three days , I may stay longer if I enjoy the area"  He smiled at me and I could feel the heat rising in certain body parts. Damn his smile is so fucking sexy.

I ask him the questions I needed to book the room , pretending the whole time I don't know his name  or anything about him.   This  whole time Senora Bitch is standing behind me looking over my shoulder at the computer.  I can feel and smell her hot stinky breath on the back of my neck, it's taking a lot of restraint to not elbow her ass back away from me.  I don't think she's ever heard of personal space, because right now she is in my bubble. 

She's acting like this is the first time I have ever done this shit. Then she speaks directly into my left ear, making me jump slightly at her actions. " Put him on the fourth floor"  

That's odd, that floor is usually only given to humans who stay here. Why would she want to put him there, not only does he have a wolf but he isn't from this pack.  I don't question her decision and pick a room on the fourth floor for him. I know he wouldn't do anything to put our species at risk, he's old enough to know the rules.

"  Will this be cash or credit sir? "  I'm trying my best to hold it together right now. He can see she is pissing me off with how she's hovering over me. If he laughs right now  its all over , I won't be able to contain myself any longer. That is how close to the edge I'm getting right now, this place has been just too much to deal with and I'm on stressed to the limit.

"Credit" He hands me his card and I process it before handing it back. I program his room card and give him a copy of his receipt. Our hands touch  when I'm passing it to him and he runs his thumb over mine. Thank god she didn't  see that .

"You just take that elevator over there." I point towards the hallway leading out of the lobby ."Your room is on the fourth floor"

" I just need to get my things from my car out front. "  He turns and heads back out to the front door and is soon outside. I watched him walk all the way out, checking out his ass the whole time. By the way he was moving it he knew I was doing just that and was enjoying the eye raping I was giving him. Once he was out the door and it closed behind him I took a deep breath before turning back to my co workers.

I wasn't the only one watching him walking away, Senora Bitch had lust written all over her face her eyes still focused on the door he just went through. She wasn't hiding it at all, dirty old pervert just like the rest of this pack. She had a mate and he was mine, I just wanted to punch her in the face.   This pack had no respect for the mate bond they formed, male or female members were all the same. 

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