You pull Spinel to the floor and let her cry. 

How could she care about you so much already? It was almost cheesy, but it still made your heart flutter.

 "Spinel.. I'll always be by your side, even when I'm gone. As long as we're friends we can never truly be apart."    Spinel looks up with teary eyes,    "Y/n.."    You look at her expectantly, wondering what she'd say,    "Please...don't leave me alone.."    You chuckle and hold Spinel close,    "I'd never dream of it."    You feel Spinel laugh into the crook of your neck.

When She's finally calmed down you pull back and hesitate, but lean forward and peck her cheek quickly. Spinel looks confused for a second,    "What did you do?"    Spinel holds the area where you kissed it, with a shocked look. You fidget nervously,    "It- that was..a kiss"    She blushes and look to her lap,    "Can-can you do it one more time?" 

You swallow hard and lean forward, this time giving her cheek a real kiss. You feel her skin heat up beneath your lips, then you pull back.    "There you go.."    Spinel gives a wiry smile.    "That..That felt nice.. thanks."

"Anything for you, Spinel.."

After the whole fiasco, You found yourself falling asleep on a beanbag. As soon as you feel yourself drift off Spinel wakes you up,    "Whatcha doin'?"    You groan with a tired smile,    "I'm just trying to sleep."    -    "Sleep?"    You nod and pat the area beside you, Spinel sits but you pull her down,    "Now close your eyes and don't try, just let yourself sink into the peace."    You sleepily watch Spinel close her eyes.

 At first you thought she wouldn't be able to sleep, but after a few minutes she began to lightly snore and curl up into your side, she was warm and soft. Perhaps her crying had helped her fall asleep faster, you felt so bad knowing that you couldn't be with her forever and one day you'd have to leave her behind, but you decided to push those thoughts aside and enjoy the moment. You pulled your jacket over the two of you and cuddled onto Spinels chest, feeling her chest rise and fall. She muttered in her sleep and you would snort out a small laugh every time, until you finally let yourself drift off into your dreams.

"Spinel? Where are you?" 

The maze of trees surrounded you every way you turned.


You heard her sweet giggle echo through the trees.

"I'm over here, sweet-cheeks!" 

You spin around trying to locate the origin of her voice, when suddenly she jumps in front of you and and tackles you with a hug. You and her laugh and she presses her soft lips against yours, a spark of electricity flying through your veins that you can feel even out of your dream.

"Oh, you silly Spinel."

"You love me, even if ya don't say it, dolly~" 

The forest is filled with your laughter as the dream fades out and you wake up.

You feel refreshed as you sit up and stretch. You look down at Spinel who is still asleep with drool running down her cheek. You smile and place a hand on her heart shaped gem. 

You didn't care if it wasn't right-side up, or if she wasn't how she was created to be. You thought she was perfect and sweet, just the way she was now. Her experiences made her stronger and she felt more easy to talk to compared to many other people you had met. 

Spinel rubs her eyes and wraps an arm around your waist as she sits up, she looked more content and at peace compared to yesterday. It made you glad to see her so relaxed.

Spinel chuckles in a slightly hoarse voice as she stretches her limbs, while still keeping an arm around you.

"Mornin' Y/n."

You yawn and nod, still waking up,

"You still wanna go home?"

Wait was she.. did she change her mind? You think for a moment, but you wanted to be here.. with her. But there was one thing..

"Nah, I think I'll stay a while longer..but could you warp me home real quick?"

Spinel cocks her head a little, "Why?"

You smile; embarrassed.

"I need the bathroom."

Welp here we go. This chapter was messy but I liked how it turned out I guess. I'll most likely read this later and wonder what the hell was going on in my head, but hey at least I can say I tried. If there's any errors sorry , but I'm a tired scum of the universe right now.

Here's a cat grimacing at a banana to lighten the moot ya'll  <3

Here's a cat grimacing at a banana to lighten the moot ya'll  <3

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