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"Can you stop that? It's making me nauseous."

"Boo," Zara growled as she stopped spinning in the jet's co-pilot chair. Steve was focused on flying, but apparently even his peripheral vision was enough to make him queasy. "Want to actually tell me why I'm here?"

Steve pushed the button that turned the Quinjet to auto-pilot. "Yeah. It's actually a couple things." Steve passed Zara the tablet with the Maximoff twins' file on it. "Two enhanced. Twins."


Memories flashed in Zara's mind, but she blinked them away. Twins. What a grueling word.

She blinked away memories and studied the device, learning about Wanda Maximoff's abilities.

"Huh, telekinesis... mental manipulation..."

Zara made a mental note to stay away from that one.

She then went on to Pietro's file, immediately shocked by the image of him. She'd seen his face before, she was sure of it.

It was when she was taking the scepter. The person who stopped her, with super speed. The one that looked like actual shit.

That was who she was up against.

"Wait, so that's it? Just the twins? We- I- can deal with them in like, four minutes."

Steve shook his head. "It's not just that. There's more." He handed her a different file, this one on paper. "His name's Ultron. Created by Stark and Banner as a global peacekeeping initiative, went haywire somewhere along the way and now he wants to end the Avengers."

Zara snickered as she didn't consider herself an Avenger, nor did anyone else. "That sounds like a personal problem."

"Yeah, well her wants to kill all of humankind too. So tell me how it works out when everyone, including you, is dead."

"I'm not going to be killed by a robot and some stupid children," Zara said.

He's not just a robot anymore. I don't really understand all of the scientific stuff, but he's not gonna be easy to deal with. Him and the Maximoff twins have the Avengers on a run for our money."

"Stark created this?" Zara asked, earning a nod from Steve. "Wow. Well. Can't say I'm surprised, Stark always did seem like the impulsive teenager type to me, this only confirms it." She was trying to suppress a smile, but gave up because who cares if Steve gets upset.

"You think this is funny?"

"Little bit, yeah. Tony sounds like a real genius to me, creating the one thing that would-"

"With all due respect Keaton, he's done a lot more for the world than you have."

Zara snorted. "Bold of you to assume I care about the world."

Steve sighed, realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere with this whole thing. The man resorted back to casual conversation, as people from his time often did. "So how you been? It's been a while."

Zara was genuinely shocked by this. It made her laugh a little, she couldn't remember the last time someone had asked her how she was.

"You don't have to ask me that, Steve. It's not like we're anything more than professional associates."

"Sorry," Steve apologized. "Force of habit. But I mean it. What's new? Last time I saw you-"

Zara rolled her eyes. "I know, I killed my brother blah blah blah. No need to discuss it."

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