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"Sokovia? Why there?" Rogers asks, moving to get a better view of the hologram.

I was about to answer as Fury stormed into the room. "Everybody out," he demanded. Natasha and Bruce left, but the two alpha males remained where they stood.

"Why?" Tony asked. "So you can have a secret conversation with Zara? I'm done with it Fury, you can kiss my-"

"Tony!" Man with a plan scolded, his 40's is showing. He seems to realize that he actually agrees with Stark though, for the most part. "What he said."

Listen. Any other day I'd love to see them fight and argue, but right now time is of the essence. And sadly, these people can't move as fast as me, so things tend to happen really slow. I speed Tony and Steve out of the room, close the blinds and lock the door. Let's get this one-on-one time with Fury over with as soon as possible.

"So you're Kree," he says, keeping a firm grip on his pistol. This guy creeps me out for some reason. Eye patch. Trench coat. Ugh.

"That I am," I retort, going back to the computer and closing down the Kree program. "So are you gonna let your team help me or no?"

Fury shifts slightly. "If it were up to me, the Kree would have been dealt with a long time ago."

"Yeah, well," I mumble, carefully taking the Kree code chip out of the make-shift adapter. "We can't all get what we want. That being said, maybe this time we can," I say, intriguing Fury. "We both have a common goal. Getting rid of the Kree. So, if you let your team help me-"

"They're not my team anymore. The Avengers are their own. So if you want their help, you need to convince them, not me."

"So we have a deal?" I ask, extending my hand for Fury to shake. He does so and nods.

"Tell me one thing, though. Do you know Vers? Or Carol Danvers?"

The name Vers is definitely Kree but it doesn't ring a bell. Neither does Carol Danvers. "Was she a Kree? Doesn't sound familiar." I say.

Fury sighs. "Sort of. It was a stretch, I just thought you might."


"So... training time?"

Fury says to beat the Kree I need to train the team how. I'm not really looking forward to it, because out of the five people standing in front of me, three are stubborn as hell, one killed my best friend and the other turns into a giant green rage monster. I guess we all have one thing in common; bring instruments of death.

I turn to Steve who actually seems eager to get started. "Nope. Before we get started with training, we have to devise a strategy. Lucky for you guys, I have one already."

I can hear Stark quip something sarcastic which makes me sigh but I don't pay him any more attention.

"The Kree have these weapons, they're sort of like plasma ray-guns, think Star Wars. If they use them, they're pretty much invincible. Unless you can deal with a six-inch hole in your chest and not having a head."

"So how do we get rid of them?" Bruce asks.

"Well lucky for us, they're all connected to the same system. I can sneak into the ship and disable them, my suit still resembles theirs enough to get me in. But to pull this off I'm gonna need a pretty big distraction."

"Yeah, us five plus Thor should do the trick," says Stark.

"I hope so," I say. "Once the ships land, all the Kree will file out and get into some sort of formation. Weakest at the back, strongest at the front. It'll most likely be led by a guy named Yon-Rogg, he's the strongest of them. Also a huge ass. I'll talk to him for a minute, then I'll kill him. Boom. Done. When this happens the Kree will enrage and the battle will commence, and  I'll make my way to the mother ship where I'll disable their weapons. From that point on, It'll be all hand-to-hand. Got it?"

Everyone nods, except Barton who just looks confused. Romanoff elbows him in the stomach and tells him she'll explain later.

"Alrighty then, let's get to training."


A/N- Sorry for the shorter than normal part, I just felt that this was the best place to end it. Also, I've chosen Emilia Clarke to play Zara, I hope you guys don't mind! I know some readers like to have a visual of what the main character looks like, myself included. Hope this can help and see you in part eight! Please vote, it would mean a lot :)

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