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It's been a quiet three weeks. After my run-in with SHIELD, I decided it would be a good idea to lay low for a while. That's exactly what I've been doing, chilling in my apartment with my roommate, Igor, who's from the Ukraine and moved here a few months ago. I don't know why I have a roommate. Obviously I could afford a place by myself, but I guess I like the company. I don't know if I'd consider him a friend; the only reason he hasn't left yet is because I said I'd kill him if he did. Happy to say he took me seriously. Also, he has no family back in Ukraine, and he doesn't have any friends. Or so he says. 

My attention is quickly drawn from the TV when there's an abrupt knock at the door. 

"Can you get that, Igor?" I ask, as my face is currently plastered on every law enforcement website known to man. NYPD, Interpol, SHIELD, I'm everywhere. 

Igor nods and pauses the show to tend to the matter. The door creaks open and by the way Igor greets whoever it is I can tell somethings wrong. "Oh- hello. Can I help you?"

"We're looking for Zara Keaton. Can you help us?"

Well I'm royally fucked. I recognize that voice. 

"Um-no, no, she's not here- I don't know-"

"We know she lives here. Let us in."

If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get.

I run over to my suit and put it on. It's turquoise and black, and slightly a replica of the one from my home. Except its stronger, can tolerate me going as such high speeds, and the big ugly family crest isn't on it.

Now I need to help Igor. I leave a pistol underneath a hastily written note;


I know you don't have much. Go to prison if you want; but if you want to live on the run there's money underneath the bathroom sink. Don't trust anyone. Obviously. 

Stay safe, 

I place the pistol and the note on his bed where I know he'll find them.

Silently creeping across the hall, I spot Captain America conversing with Igor.

I make my presence known by gallantly walking up to the door, placing a hand on Igor's shoulder.

As Igor turns around I can see Black Widow and Stark there too, all with their respective weapons.

"Igor if I were you I'd leave," I whisper to him. He nods frantically and departs. I almost feel bad for dragging him into this, but it's too late now. 

"We meet again," I state.

"You're under arrest," Black Widow angrily deadpans. 

I chuckle. "You've tried that before, Angry Red." She winces at the use of that nickname and I knew I've struck a nerve. "Don't like that, do you?"

"Alright Whiz Wizard; we're under orders..." Stark trails off. His gaze is fixed on me and there's a slight smirk to his blushed expression. "You free Saturday night? 

"Stark," curses Steve Rogers, his frustrated expression matching his female counterpart. "She's a criminal."

"What?" Stark defends. "A man's gotta shoot his shot somehow. What'd'ya say Road Runner, you in?"

I raise my eyebrows in disappointment, I thought the Avengers would have been more prepared than this. 

"Road Runner, that's a good one. Actually I am also under orders, and those orders say specifically, don't get caught."

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