12: #Surprises

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Jc's POV

"You better have a damn good reason for why we're up at 7 in the morning?" I say.

We were currently back at home. Kian had woken us up an hour ago and said that it was urgent. So Jenn, Andrea, Ricky and I trudged home behind Kian. At the moment Andrea and Jenn were falling in and out of sleep on the couch, Ricky was surprisingly awake, and I was waiting for Kisn to get to the point.

"Hey! Wake up!" Kian yells and we all jump at how loud he is.

"What?!" Jenn sleep yells.

Kian starts to tell us how Harmony was going to be homeschooled for the rest of the year and was going to miss prom so her brothers and parents wanted us to throw a prom/party for us. At the mention of that, Jenn and Andrea were wide awake. I was too.

"When is it?" Ricky asks.


"Saturday?!" Andrea and I yell.

"That's literally 2 days away!" Jenn adds.

"Yeah, I know but it'd really mean a lot to her so will you guys please help me out?" Kian asks.

"Duh," Ricky says and we agree. "But you're going to need more then just us."

He begins dialing numbers and calling different people. Jenn and Andrea agree to meet up with Arden, Lia, Lauren and Rebecca later on to get the decorations straight. Kian goes to bed and I start working on the music. This party was going to be banging!

Harmony's POV

I wake up to a clean and empty room and I'm confused. I could have sworn that I had a sleepover last night. I shake my head and check my phone and see that I have a text from Kian.

KeenDaBean: Sorry we left so early. Had to take care of some business. See you later. ❤️

I reply back saying that it's cool and get out of bed. I go downstairs and see that the only person here is my mom. Now I'm really confused.

"Mom? Where are Austiin, Elie, and dad?" I ask.

"Your dad is at work and your brothers have been at school for a while now," she answers and puts a plate of food in front of me.

"Thanks." I say and check the time. 11:36!!! What?!

"Mom! I over slept!" I scream. She just laughs.

"No you didn't sweetie. You're enrolled in an online homeschool," she answers. My eyes literally pop out of my head.

"But...what about prom? I already bought a dress!" I say. I was relieved yet kind of mad that I couldn't go to prom.

"Oh, don't worry about that," she laughs and walks out of the kitchen. Something fishy was really going on here.

I finish up my breakfast and go to take a shower. I do my hair and put on a pair of black jeans, a white and red Dope tank, a black and red Vans beanie, and a pair of red and white Vans. I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys and stuffed them in my sling purse. I then grab my red and white Penny board with black heels and left home.

I rolled down to the O2L house and walked inside. As soon as I walked in the living room, everything went quiet. It was the O2L guys plus Arden, Andrea, Lia, Rebecca, Tyler, Jenn, Jack, Troye, Anthony, Andrew, Lauren, and Kingsley. They all stared at me and I was confused.


"Hey girl!!" They all say and come to hug me. Weirdos. But I love them.

"What you guys up to?" I ask.

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