Chapter 8

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Rin's POV

So, walking to breakfast would have went easy, if it weren't for the slow pokes behind me.

I know I'm a fast walker and all but, sheesh, S-L-O-W-P-O-K-E-S.

"Guys, come on. Five minutes or you won't get breakfast." I reminded them.

"No breakfast?!" Hinata and the tall Russian-Japanese guy, named Lev, said simultaneously.

"I'll race you." I smirked.

Hinata smiled, "You're on."

"Better stop eating." I said and Hinata got very confused.

"Stop eating what?"

"Eating my dust." I zoomed off and towards the building. I heard Hinata telling at me but I ignored him and confused to run. The guys caught up a few moments after I made it to the building, "Alright." I said and turned to open the metal double doors. Both swung open with ease and everyone looked at us. "Good morning, ya'll." I shouted happily. Most of them were getting food.

I smirked and giggled. "Rinwa." I jumped and shivered looking over at my mad great-grandfather. I'm not completely sure why he was mad, but I knew I'd find out sooner or later. Sooner was what I guess. "Why the hell did you call me this morning?"

Oh, right. I did call him. Asked him the time for breakfast actually.

"Sorry, Gramps. Had to know what time breakfast was. Especially before my run."

Everyone looked shocked, well, everyone except my cabin mates and Karasuno. Daichi sighed, "Rin, didn't we say not to run so early. How far did you run?"

"About 12 miles."

Everyone yelled, "What!"

I guess no one is a morning person. I'm not either, though.

"Rin, you're scary sometimes." Asahi shivered and I laughed.

"Sometimes. Now, where's the food!" I walked over to the line. I got everything I wanted and my giant bowl of rice. I sat down and seconds later Hinata sat down beside me with a little less rice. Still a giant mountain though. We clapped our hands together, Hinata and I, "Itadakimasu." And the. We stuffed our faces.

We were chowing down not caring who was watching or how much we were eating. Tsukishima and Tadashi walked by staring at us oddly. "You both eat so much, but you don't grow, Hinata, and Rin, you don't seem to be getting larger." I knew Tsukishima meant mine as an insult but I could care less.

Hinata and I looked up at him with our mouths full, "I've told you, I use it all playing volleyball." It came out sounding nothing like that due to our stuffed faces but we continued eating.

"Didn't understand a word." Tsukishima started.

"Seems like déjà vu." Tadashi laughed. They both sat down a little farther down the table where it wasn't too crowded like our end. Hinata and I finished our food minutes later and we smiled.

"Ah, that was good." I patted my stomach. "Wish uncle Kei could cook like that."

"Hey, I'm a good cook." He tried defending himself at a table behind me.

I turned and gave him the look, the 'are you kidding' look. "Yeah, just as good as you are at Shoji." I told him and he grumbled.

"I only lose to you." I chuckled silently and looked over at Kageyama's plate and taking a piece of bread shoving it in my mouth before he could complain.

"Yummy." He rolled his eyes. I shot up from my seat and stretched my arms. Putting my hands on my hips I looked at Hinata, "Wanna go warm up?" I asked and his eyes shone.

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