Chapter 4

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Rin's POV

Beep beep. Beep beep.

I groaned as I turned over to see that my alarm was going off at 4:00 am. I immediately knew why and got up, I had a great night sleep and have been practicing with my uncle's volleyball team for quite a few days now. They are all great, especially the little orange one, Hinata. I love how short he is but how high he jumps.

Chills. Literal chills.

I don't mean to brag but I can jump the same height he can and since I'm taller, it means I get higher than him. NOT BRAGGING! I swear I'm not, it's just a fact. I guess.

I make sure everything is packed and I head outside for a run, I know my uncle isn't up yet because we don't leave until 7:30 am, but I always take a run before we travel. Even if it is Saturday.

I remember like it was yesterday when my uncle asked me to join his camp, that was also a Saturday.

A week ago, to be exact.

Now, I see that a bunch of the people that live near us are walking their dogs or going on a walk right now, too, and I wave or stop to talk to them. I was 75% done with my run when I spotted our neighbor and her dog. "Ms. Sakura." I said. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Rinwa. It's good to see you today." I nodded.

"Yeah, it is." I said back.

"What are you doing on a Saturday morning this early? I know you don't wake up this early on Saturday's and Sunday's." Me. Sakura said to me.

I chuckled scratching the back of my head. "Actually, we are traveling today. My uncle wants me to go to some camp with his team, and I usually take a run before we travel."

The old woman nodded in a way that made her look like she understood. "Well then, carry on. I'm are you need a shower before you leave."

I nodded. "Bye, Ms. Sakura."

"Bye Rinwa, dear." I only allow her, my parents, and one more annoying great-grandfather call me Rinwa because she's so sweet and I don't want to make me sound rude.

I make it back home and notice my uncle still half asleep making coffee. He notices me. "Want a cup?" He said and I nodded.

I walk into my room and take a quick shower to wash my hair and make me smell better. I dry my hair and walk out of the bathroom to my room to change.

I grab a pair of black leggings, a sleeveless sweatshirt that I'll wear over my sports bra, some socks, comfortable sneakers, my watch, hair ties, and put my phone in a bag I'll be taking to the camp.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen, I was in a good mood for not being a morning person. Plus, I was wide awake. I took the cup of coffee that my uncle wasn't sipping on and began drinking it myself. "How come you took a run today?" My uncle asked.

I looked at him as if he hadn't know me my whole life. "I always take a run before I travel." Taking another sip of the coffee my father's brother made for me, he squinted his face like he was thinking.

"I don't remember you ever doing that."

"Because you are never up at that time." I added off his statement. Uncle Kie glared at me.

"Anyways, are you packed?" He asked me and I nodded. "Good because we will leave in about 5 minutes, go grab your stuff and load it into the car. We will be going to the school to meet up with everyone." I nodded setting down my empty cup and running off to my room.

Minutes later we were packed and driving off to Karasuno High School. When pulling into a parallel-parking space, I noticed the giant bus in front of the school. I got super excited and jumped out of the door, opened the truck to grab my bags, and rushed to the bus. I smiled at it and noticed the tired high school-and college- boys in front on me. "Woah, did a bus run over you guys?" I said.

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