Chapter 1

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Ukai's POV

"You what!" I yelled loudly at the young first year boys standing in front of me. They had just announced that they would not be here for the next couple weeks because they'd be on vacation with their families. I even found out some of the ones not here are extremely sick. The camp was only two weeks away.

"Sorry coach. I know you really wanted us to go. But it was all last minute for some of us. Others were to..." he mumbled something that I didn't hear but I could care less. All I am thinking is how we will replace them.

I sighed. "It's all right. Enjoy your vacation." I said and they stood up straight and bowed at a 90 degrees angle. "Thank you very much." All four of them yelled and running off.

I walk over to the stage in the gym where we hold practice every day and sit down to think. What could I do to gain more players?

That was all a week ago.

Today, the people I had invited are coming to practice with us again. Of course, they went to Karasuno and I think everyone will be happy to see them. I told the other coaches of the other schools about my announcement to invite players and they all agreed saying they'd do the same. Which meant more competition.

"Watch yourself, Carrot Top!" I yelled at Hinata as he was about to jump on a ball but stopped to finally notice it. He could've gotten hurt. I smile as I watch everyone who will be attending practicing in front of me.

"Coach?" I hear a voice. I turn to my right and see Narita standing there. Our vice captain.

"What's up?" I asked turning towards him. "Well, you see." Narita looked very nervous and sad at the same time.

"Just spit it out. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be fine." Narita nodded at my words and breathed in before saying the words that I dreaded. "I won't be able to attend the camp for family reasons." I was about to shout but stopped myself and sighed angrily.

"Th-thats Fine. I hope you have a great time with whatever it is." He nodded and cheered up a little before running out the gym. I would've stopped him because I didn't know he had to leave right now but he was already gone.

"Gather around!" I shouted angrily causing the boys to jump and run over. Once all of them were listening I explained the problem, "Narita will not be able to attend the camp I've set up. We need another player. Run throughout the school and see if anyone will be in town and willing to go to the camp." I finished and they all stared at me.

"Now!" I yelled and the remaining boys jumped before running out the gym doors. I walked over to grab the water Specs got me earlier and drank some of it. "You look more tense than usual, coach." That voice surprises me and I almost choked.

I stopped drinking and looked at the front of the gym to see Daichi, Sugawara, and Asahi standing there. I sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you guys made it."

All three of them chuckled and walked over to me giving me a hand shake as if saying "good to see you". I decided to ask them something. "Do you guys have any idea who I should ask to come to the camp, Narita wont be able to make it. All three shrugged looking at each other for answers. "No idea." Suga said.

"What about that one guy...uh...wait" Asahi said and I got my hopes up but he finished his sentence. "Never mind, he's a year older than us." Asahi smiled embarrassed and Suga sighed in disappointment while Daichi rolled his eyes.

I stood there thinking of who I could ask.

'Someone who can play at their level. Someone who can played any position. Some guy who could compete with all of them.'

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