New home new school

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Tori p.o.v
I smiled putting the key in the door I looked at Chrissy "you ready?" she grinned and bounced on her feet I
Unlocked the door and pushed it open her jaw dropped "it's huge!" I smiled picking up Abel "c'mon Chrissy I'll show you your room". She grinned and we walked up the stairs and I pointed to the door "knock yourself out chicky go take a look" she opened it and squealed yep she's a teenager. "I LOVE IT!" I smiled and carried Abel down the hall way opening abels door "this is your room buddy" he grinned and I frowned "although I think it does need the motorbike make over that grandma did to your old room". He grinned climbing up on his bed "thanks mumma" I smiled and grabbed my phone messaging the moving truck guys the address to bring all our stuff to i smiled everything will go as planned I looked at the time 9am I still have time to get the movers to unpack and register Chrissy into school before I have to tell jax that we moved and hey I honestly don't know if he will love the house or be pissed off but right now it's the safest option (photo of the house above)

"So chrissy is your sister ?" The principle said and I nodded "yes I've only recently gotten custody of her and I want to get her into school let her have a normal teenage life". He nodded and looked at chrissy "you tested well on the iQ test for your age I think we can get you into the school" she grinned "really ?" He nodded and looked at me "she can come start tomorrow , chrissy just come to my office il, have your schedule for you and I'll take you to your home room and set you up with a girl that can show you around the school okay?" Chrissy grinned and nodded "mumma I'm hungry" Abel said tugging on my hand and I picked him up. The principle smiled "I'll let you's go get some lunch , I'll see you tomorrow chrissy" chrissy grinned and looked at me "I'm in!" I smiled and she hugged me "thank you so much tori"

Saving his angel -a Sons of Anarchy fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora