Be careful of what you say ..

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Chapter 8

Tori's p.o.v

I woke up and done my daily routine Shower, hair , makeup, breakfast with Abel. Give Abel a bath. Dress Abel. Make jax a coffee. Wash the dishes from breakfast sit with jax and have our coffe together and then drop Abel off to preschool

After I dropped Abel of I sat in my car ... What's the point of dropping him off and then doing nothing all day every day ? I bite my lip and then an idea popped in my head I drove to the Main Street and looked through my car hoping I still had a spear form around from ages ago. I opened the glove box and grinned grabbing the résumé I got out of the car and notice Chibs tailing. I walked over to him "morning Chibs" he smiled "morning lovie" I spotted a coffee shop across the street "hey if you go order coffees while I quickly go in here do you want to sit down and hang out for a bit?" He parked his bike. And got up "call me if anything goes wrong I'll order the coffees you meet me there okay kid?" I smiled and hugged him before walking into the beautician

"Hello how can I help you" a girl said. And I smiled softly "hi um is the manger here at the moment ?" She nodded and smiled "one second a few moments later a girl my age walked out "hey I'm mikayla I'm the owner, how can I help you" I smiled "I'm looking for a job I was wondering if your hiring ?" She smiled and I handed her my résumé her jaw dropped "you have outstanding marks .... You went to the best beauty school in the country .. Good feedback .. Amazing preferences" she looked up at me "full time or casual?" Bite my lip and looked at her "hopefully full time ?" She smiled at me and looked at the résumé Then back at me "I'm going out on a limb here but because the is a small town I only have two girls working for me both casual. ... I'm hiring you tori your résumé is completely outstanding !" I grinned and hugged her "thank you so much" she laughed "come in tomorrow I'll show you the ropes and you'll start the day after" I nodded "thanks so much mikayla" she laughed and nodded "I've got to get back to my client"

I sat down with Chibs and he smiled "caramel mocha three sugars" I smiled "thanks Chibs" he nodded. And sipped on his coffee "so what makes you so happy" I grinned "I just got a job" he looked at me a smirk grew on his face "congratulations tor but what are you going to tell jax?" I raised an eyebrow. And he continued to explain "jax dosnt like to risk the safety of the ones he loves darlin , he left his ex wife who was pregnant with Abel she turned into a junkie nearly killed the baby , let Gemma drive home alone , she went missing and got raped ... And when he was in high school he dropped a girl off at her house Darby saw and took the girl she was abused and raped once jacking boy saved her she skipped town covered her tracks and never spoke to jax again" I frowned "what's the point chibby?" He. Leaned closer "be careful of what you say .. What you tell people about the sons because jax would hate himself if anything happened to you"

I looked at Chibs and frowned .... He was right .. I was jax's old lady now .. I do have to be careful which is probably why he has someone tailing me at every waking hour

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