"We should probably head back in. Your mom's home," she pointed out before getting up and walking, me tagging closely behind. We stumbled into the kitchen where my mom was making dinner. "I had fun, Parker. More than usual," she spoke softly as we took a seat.

"Did you sleep well, Aubrey? I hope he gave up the room in the end," my mom spoke, without facing us.

"He did, Catherine. He did," she laughed while nudging her elbow with mine, knocking my arm off the table.


I raised my eyebrows teasingly. 

Her eyes widened before she raised her eyebrows before beginning to talk. "Actually he-" she began but I wrapped my arms around her, smacking my hand over her mouth. She pinched my hand, having me pull it away instantly. "Actually he was nice about it," she smirked at me, before turning her attention back to my mother who I saw to be looking at us with amusement.

Guess she saw all that then.

 "What uh- what's for dinner?" I got my arm off of her and awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"Takeout for you two." She placed the bag in front of us. "I have to go somewhere," she spoke with a small smile on her lips. 

Aubrey and I looked at each other with confusion. "Where?" Aubrey got up and headed to grab two plates for us with glasses for drinks.

"Somewhere. I expect you two to eat, pack up and Xavier, you can walk her out then," she spoke sternly while fighting back what seemed to be a blush.

"Catherine! You have a date!" Aubrey pointed out excitedly. 

My mom's cheeks reddened as she looked down. "Kids! Have fun! I have to head to my room and get ready!" she exclaimed while speed walking to her room.

"Your mother has a date!" she squealed while handing me a plate of my food.

"So we think." I looked in the direction that my mom went in with utter confusion. 

She never mentioned meeting someone let alone liking someone enough to go on a date.

"Something seems off? She didn't tell you?" Aubrey questioned while taking her plate and sitting down next to me.

"Not once." I shook my head, still kind of suspicious. "Good for her though." I shrugged before digging into my food. I wonder who the date was with, I haven't seen her so excited and giddy for anything in a long time.

"Yeah, good for her." I could hear the smile in Aubrey's voice, I didn't have to look at her to know the smile I was getting used to was already playing at her lips.

We ate in comfortable silence, occasionally talking and soon enough, we were done, the same time that my mother descended the stairs in a royal blue dress with her hair in curls like I've never seen before.

She looked beautiful walking down the stairs so elegantly. I was standing up to put my plate in the sink and seeing her, the plate almost slipped out of my hands but luckily, Aubrey caught it in time.

"You look beautiful Catherine." Aubrey smiled while taking the plate from my hands along with hers, placing them in the sink.

"Mom," my voice barely came out of my throat due to shock. I had never seen her put so much effort into how she looked. For her, it was always working, home and then right back to work but today- today she looked stunning. "You look amazing," I told her as she pulled me into a hug.

She smiled before thanking us. Before we could say anything else, the doorbell rang and before my mom could beat us to it, the curiosity killing us, we sprinted to the door, swiftly opening it, stumbling a little, tripping over our own feet.

"Are you here for- Officer Clarke?" Aubrey spoke, her eyes widening.

"Aubrey." He greeted her with a nod. "Xavier." He gave me a small smile.

"Out of all people, my mother is going on a date with you?!" I spoke in shock. 

My mom came up behind me, smacking me upside the head. "Xavier! Manners!" She smacked my shoulder.

"Do I have permission to take your mother on this date?" Officer Clarke asked, shifting his gaze to me after checking my mother out. Ew. Gross.

Aubrey nudged my ribs with her elbow, giving me a pointed look. 

"Yes, officer Clarke, you do." I folded my arms across my chest, leaning on the doorframe.

"Please, call me Robert," he smiled before gracefully taking my mother's hand in his, leading her to his car.

"Robert!" I shouted. 

They both stopped turning to me patiently. 

"Have her home by midnight!"






Her name is noel, I had a dream about her...

^Sorry the song's stuck in my head :)^

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