Rick nodded, "Stay quiet and stay sharp. Keep a space between you but always stay within sight of each other."

Shane glanced at the group, "Everybody assemble your packs."

Rick turned towards Dale and spoke, "Dale, keep on those repairs. We've got to get this RV ready to move."

The older man nodded. "We won't stay here a minute longer than we have to. Good luck out there. Bring Sophia back."

"Keep an eye on Carl and Jack while we're gone," Rick added.

Carl looked up towards his dad. "I'm going with you," he said. "You need people, right? To cover as much ground as possible."

Jack popped up behind his friend, "Yeah, me too!" He grinned as he reached for one of the weapons again.

Marlee was quick to grab the young boy's hand. "Nope, no," she shook her head, leading him towards T-Dog and the new arrivals as Rick and Lori discussed the possibility of Carl leaving. She looked towards T-Dog and the boys, "Make sure he stays put, alright?"

T-Dog smiled weakly and nodded, "Yes ma'am."

"And you," she crouched down to Jack's height and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't cause too much trouble while I'm gone."

Jack crossed his arms, pouting. "I just don't know why you can go and I can't."

Marlee sighed, "I just don't want you getting hurt out there, okay bud?"

He huffed, "Mom would let me go!"

Marlee stood up, her face falling at the mention of their mother. Her stomach dropped and she shook her head. "'Maybe you're right," she eventually replied. "But she's not here right now." She quickly walked away, letting out a shaky breath as she walked towards Elijah and the others.

Just as she did, she heard a loud argument break out between Andrea and Dale. She gave them a concerned glance before deciding to leave it alone.

Sam looked at the arguing pair before turning to T-Dog and the boys. She handed T-Dog some new bandages before addressing him, "Remember what I said." She pointed at him and Callum, "Rest buddies, you hear?" The two of them nodded and she let out a sigh, "Alright, I'm hoping I'll only be gone for a few hours, but if either of you needs me I can come back." She nodded before heading off with the others, jogging slightly to catch up.


Marlee trekked beside Glenn, keeping her weapon close by. She noticed how Elijah was quick to catch up with Carol, speaking to her with his signature goofy grin. She knew what his plan was: to get Carol's mind off of her daughter, but that would be difficult. Especially when you're in the woods searching for the very girl. It sounded like her brother, though-he's too kind for his own good.

She was brought back to reality when she heard the sound of rustling and twigs snapping behind her. She and Glenn raised their weapons, preparing for whatever was coming out of the woods.

Out of the brush appeared the familiar face of Clyde and his fluffy blond hair, which was now full of small little leaves. They let out a sigh of relief before smiling at how messy he was.

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