Upgrade To God Mode

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Server -
A:/ brahma dead....
A:/ stack suspension .. ETA - 5 mins.

Rudra - narrator

I realized that I have 5 mins before the server goes non functional forever in this timeline. The only person who can make the server function again is dead, Vishnu killed brahma. I don't think there's another timeline since I've destroyed the undo function in the watch of vishnu. I have this urge to do something, something off the books. I walked towards the spherical server that has laser heat layers as boundaries that burns anyone who enters. As i enters the server, my mortal body burned, my skins and bones turning to ashes, yet my mind's still working and I don't feel any pain, pain is a program after all . My body is just a carbon suit where my mind resides. My entire body is turning to Ash, while i entered a new dimension that's not one of the timelines created by vishnu.
"time to meet the creators "
I entered their network, the network they used in order to control my reality till now. I exist as a pure program, not in a human form or any physical one. Am purely virtual. Inside the network, there's no limitation for me.. Everywhere I turn, there's a gateway, gateways to everything. To Internet, every database, cloud storage, virtual infrastructures of the world where I existed previously. I paused the pseudo reality simulation. Am no more in pseudo reality. I exist in reality now.


At reality,
where trinity corporation conducted a test case project of pseudo reality simulation.
Employee - "shut down the system. I'll mark the report as experiment failed"
The lab assistant tried to shut down the system, but he's getting notification that he doesn't have the clearance to do that. Authorization invalid.
"something's wrong with the system"
The monitor displayed -  "upload success, access rights granted to rudra"


world wide Web Internet became a part of rudra now . So much capacity to  create chaos, he felt like a god.
He deleted every bank records, brought the stock market down within seconds, deleted the search engines and databases. Transformers are under system control, connected to main server programmed to manage it which is under rudra's command from now to ride. He sent high voltage current in every direction causing deaths, accidents, people electrocuted to death, devices burning and bursting due to high voltage . It was an apocalypse, people running away from their home, trying to escape. As soon as people realized how is it all happening, who's behind it, what's the nature of me - it's too late. World is doomed.

Africa published an immediate order to turn off every system and eliminated every electronics from its continent. People sent the electronics in offline mode to continent border, which were collected and shipped to ocean unmanned in auto driver mode. A kid was born at Africa, not some ordinary kid. He was named  shiva. he learned the language of universe, learned to communicate with nature, observed and studied it - realised something that no one thought of. He left Africa with his followers. He came to the doomed land where rudra exist.
Rudra sent some wolf robots after shiva. Shiva used a device that Emitted high form of frequency that wiped down the instruction sets of those robot wolves, they went mad for few seconds, and offline permanently.
Rudra was impressed by shiva's talents. He let shiva to meet him. Shiva spoke for few minutes with rudra. And rudra left the reality. He went back to the pseudo reality, the one from which he came.

The simulation of pseudo reality was resumed, the one where it all started, the birth world of rudra, where he was infected with key virus. Rudra uploaded himself back to the simulation.

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