Shiva - Origin.

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Shiva - narrator

This the reality , I repeat. This is the reality.. Or atleast that's what we thought it was..

Rudra apocalypse, an event that changed our world. When a program from virtual simulation of trinity corporation escaped from its reality and entered ours, it caused chaos all over the world.
Africa published an immediate order to turn off every system and eliminated every electronics from its continent. People sent the electronics in offline mode to continent border, shipped to ocean unmanned. Africa is the only safest place now. People exist in Europe and Asia, but its not as safe as Africa. Even now, electronics and machines exist in Asia, they are still facing the threat, in war with rudra . Some people tried to land on Africa, the continent's border is armed with military tasked with checking every person trying to enter the land, the person must be striped, checked for any electronics.. If found, crushed and disposed. People in Africa don't use electricity too, they live with 0 usage of technology - just basic tools and kits. Knowledge about electronics were banned. If anyone happened to find any electronics or devices, they must submit it to any elders or government.

Everyone still believes that rudra is still there, at American continent. Even after so much years. He's immortal since he's no human, but a program.. As long as the traditional internet exist, he can. Asia is trying to build a separate network without any connection to traditional Internet, but they couldn't. Asia is filled with programmers trying to defend their network from rudra. Most of the people live underground. Some tries to escape to Africa, only few succeeds. Rudra is said to be merciless. He took control of nuclear weapons of government, directed them on South America. People at Africa, they don't build anything taller than a tree after rudra apocalypse, yet the buildings that existed already exist still.. People move slowly, carefull not to create anything that can be detected by satellite. No large movements.. Only small amount of traces. They live in fear of rudra, anytime now, rudra could direct a nucleur weapon on Africa.

There exist a cult called as spiderweb, named after rudra's army in his pseudo reality simulation world. The cult was formed based on a simple belief that the entire universe that we live on is an imagination of rudra. To be detailed - rudra took LSD in his world which is reality , and he trips that he's a program and they are living in a simulation, and he forms an army, meets multiplexer and gets a load of key LSD , marches down the trinity headquarters, and he enters the reality, everything happened after his LSD trip is his imagination.. Maybe he's living in reality tripping and we are all in his trip , there's no such thing as simulation world or trinity corporation, or timetravel or vishnu. everyone in this world serves the purpose of existing in the imagined reality of rudra. Some say that rudra died while tripping in LSD acid and he entered the afterlife, and we are all in living in his afterlife, this theory is dark, hence people resisted this theory. But to me, this theory is as dark as the previous one, coz in both - we are not real. I wanted to be in safe side - to be real, not a program without any free will.
And this spiderweb cult is too a rumour, no one had actually seen them, and they're no threat.

This reality was always a puzzle to me. We think we can see and hear everything. But human eyes are only capable of viewing within certain spectrum range and our listening capacity is limited to certain range of frequency. So, what we experience is a portion of reality. So there's more to it. And that's where my interests lies.  I can hear some low frequency sound even in total silence.. People say it's complete silence, but I keep hearing a sound, some say its in my mind and its my imagination.. But i know that they can't hear it, they're audio input is not capable of hearing frequency of that low. I know am special. One day, I followed the sound, walked towards it. It lead me to an abandoned building. It was in the middle of night.. The building had light. Artificial lights.. And there were music playing.. I peeked through the window. Some teens were dancing to music. Music from speakers, lights keep changing. Blue, red, green. It's changing instantly, different colours emerge as a combination of those three colours. Electronics that were banned. For the first time, I watched sets of functioning electronics. There was a raised platform where a man was sitting in lotus position, as in yoga. I recognised that man.. He's one of the elders. He teaches to kids about history.. Years back, when I found a electronic part buried in ground, I ran to his home, brought him to the scene. He took the keyboard, broke it, examined it. Said its safe, a keyboard alone is no threat.
I asked him "what's that?",
he said - "something from past, banned to exist in present. "
Then he brought his mens to that location, searched that whole place, ground for the presence of any electronics. He was sitting cross legged, back bone steady, 2 hands on knee, eyes closed, face expressing a deep dream. And he opened his eyes suddenly turned to me.

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