Big Bang

14 1 0

narrator - name unknown

Night shift begins, 500 employees standing in queue, absolute silence. At the entry point, as one by one enters, they open their mouth wide open, the gatekeeper places a stamp in their tongue as they enter one by one,. And that's how the queue moves in. Everyone takes their position in the lab. The machines start to move. And they work. A ramp that's long enough to connect all their workspace, that keeps moving for each minute. The ramp that brings the raw material to all the workers at beginning of a minute, they fold, rearrange, form the product within a minute, ramp pushes the product in at end of minute, gives them another raw material. Actions to be performed is same to everyone. Every one of them work in sync with each other. Their hand movements are uniform and timings are in perfect sync. An observer would doubt their humanity, as they all appear to be working like machines. They appear to be machines. They don't smile or get sad, every one of them poker face, dark circles around their eyes - haunted as dead, nocturnal as owl . They don't talk with each other, share jokes or their life stories. Absolute no communication. For straight 8 hours, they work without any break, doing the same action again and again in a loop. Not because they are forced to, its hard to explain what's happening there. It's an experiment - to check if it's possible to make humans behave as if they are machines. And this experiment proved them it's possible. Every one of them is drugged at entry point. A drug in the form of a stamp that enters the blood mainstream to brain, which creates a temporary reality to the mind, disconnecting the relation between mind and body. Everyone of them are in their own world, having a mad trip, while their body in reality works. When everyone takes their position, the gatekeeper initiates the movement, employees one by one copy those movements, perform it on loop. While the mind is in the trip, the body tends to copy the movements performed by neighbour. The movements becomes contagious. The trip lasts for 8 hours. Hence the employees are given food, made to toil an hour before. The experiment was a success..., atleast at first. One of the employees, the participants of the experiment fell in depression, due to the fantasy trip she had while working. She found love, fought for it, married her love of the life, had children, raised them, lived a peaceful life - all of which are found to be her trip after the 8 hours of work, she realised that her memories are not from reality, her dreams turned to nightmares. Her childhood memories appeared to be fake, even though they are real. She can't tell the difference between real and dream. She couldn't trust her memories. She entered the lab, 1st in the queue, taken the stamp, but she moved it between teeth, spitted it out, unnoticed by anyone. She's standing in the position, next to the gatekeeper, she's meant to copy gatekeeper's movement and her movement will be copied by 2nd employee next to her, and his movements will be copied by 3rd employee and so on.. All the 500. Their bodies are meant to, under the drug on influence. The gatekeeper performed the movement. The 1st in position, the depressed one who's not under the drug's control copied the movement exactly, and everyone followed it. Once all the 500 employees are in sync, the gatekeeper moves out of view in slow manner and careful since actions are contagious, he doesnt want his actions to be copied, since it could break the pattern of work, he walks to his chair, sat down. The 1st in position, she took the knife, one of the tools given to each to process the raw material, she slit her throat, since she changed her action, and every actions are contagious, the employees one by one takes the knife in their hand, slit their throat. Within a minute. The lab was painted in red.
500 deaths were added to the record under occupational hazard. That's it. All those deaths became data.
The point of the experiment is to check if its possible to make humans behave like machines. And since its proved possible, the vice versa is also possible, which is to make machines behave like humans.

-this became the motto of this project.

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