Last Man Standing

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Bermuda, the island surrounded by oceans., the land of unknown at present was the homeland of assassins thousands of years back, a home land for a tribe of people called asuras - trained to be assassins, hired by people all over the world when they need to assassinate a king or person in authority. Asuras were originally from India, after losing the war with devas - they migrated to Bermuda, which exist between America and Africa . They exist as a secret society there. Everyone had one job - to be trained - sneaking into places where its banned to do so, sword art, turning everything into a weapon.

While a continent away at Europe , A religion was formed to bring discipline and ethic principles among society in the corner of Europe. A God known as admin was preached , stories about admin spread everywhere, its said that admin cured people's disease and he could do miraculous things - but it's all a false rumour spread by a council of men, everyone started to join the admin religion, worshipping him and his words, praising and spreading, blind faith. Later in 16th century, when few men invented devices to observe the sky and study it, they found revolutionary  facts that'll prove people's belief wrong. Admin said that the world is flat, and earth's the centre of universe, Humans are the main lead. But the observation by galileo galilei (one of the revolutionary scientist) gave a theory that proved earth's sphere, its the earth that rotates sun, not the other way around. Council of admin realized that these scientists are a threat to their religious belief, hence they hired few assassins from city of Bermuda to kill those scientists. One of the assassin - raavan, he fell in love with the daughter of galileo galilei - Maria celeste, after the brutal murder of his father by an assasin (fellow mate of raavan). Maria seeks revenge for what the council of admin did to her father. When the council of admin delivered golds to hired asuras, Maria brought public to the spot where transaction was held between asuras and council of admin. raavan helped Maria to do this . She made everyone see it, things that's supposed to happen in dark. Now there were few witness, Council of admin decided to kill them all with the help of asuras.  But this time they refused the offer. The council killed those hired assassins with poison gas.. Raavan went back to Bermuda to alert the tribe, train an army to seek revenge. Admin is the most widely spread religion and made lot of followers. In the fiction of admin, there's a villain called Satan. Council spread a false rumour stating the rise of Illuminati , a group of people who worship Satan. And addressed the assassin tribe asuras as illuminati . Hence, with public support, the council got rid of asuras tribe. And declared the Bermuda island to be dangerous and unknown. They deviced a man made solar magnet modelled after sun, transported to Bermuda, activated it, which created a mini black hole that swallows in anything that enters the specified range. Now, After 4 centuries, there exist a cult who still carried out this secret of admin - asuras conflict.
Every body holds a spirit, when the body dies, where it can no longer support the spirit - the spirit enters the spiritual world, with no connection to physical world where the living exists . The cult started by an unknown person named it with the same name given by admin, fakely accusing scientists and asuras - illuminati. They searched the ancient scriptures to find the ritual and mantras to summon the spirits of asuras from spiritual world to physical world, once they are summoned, they'll destroy the humanity , gets their revenge as they deserve it, purify the earth. They believed that this is the inevitable event.

Vishnu is assigned the task by brahma to find illuminati, before they summon the lost city of assassins.

Vishnu Infiltrated the illuminati, and found out everything brahma said about them is true, they are trying to summon the lost city of assassins back to physical world - to enleash upon civilians, destroy the humanity.. But in order to perform the ritual, DNA of asuras tribe is needed, and its possible to collect it on Bermuda, but in order to get there, the solar magnet has to be deactivated, illuminati had infiltrated through few men inside the admin council, and the headquarters city of admin exist as a separate country called as router on Europe. Vishnu infiltrated the admin Council from illuminati as he infiltrated illuminati from trinity agency. Vishnu sneaked into router, stole the records of solar magnet model, now illuminati has the secret code to deactivate it. Vishnu could infiltrate anywhere, anytime, come across any obstacles with his ability to travel back in time, he keeps time on his watch always in the past to a particular time where he's safe. He's ready to die at any given time, even if he doesn't have his gun, he finds different ways to die with heavy  internal bleeding on brain - once he jumped off from higher platform with head down, - smashed his own head, or take a sharp pointing object and stab himself with high magnitude on head, such a way, it pierces the skull open, he's good at dying.

Vishnu along with the illuminati cult entered the Bermuda region

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Vishnu along with the illuminati cult entered the Bermuda region.. Once the black hole is powered off, everyone and everything it swallowed was enleashed out as a black compressed matter,. It took 5 days to clean them off the island, to the sea. When the land is been digged  , the ground gave the bones and remains of asuras tribe people in a decayed state. 13 of suitable candidates of illuminati stood in circle in their position to  perform the ritual, along with the captives (people who are captured to be sacrificed, in order to receive some people from spiritual world, same number of people have to killed from physical world). Vishnu wanted to see if its possible, hence he allowed the murder of captives to happen, coz he could go back in time and save them all anyway. Captives were killed as the gate was opened. The gate between spiritual world and physical world. But the surrounding became unstable, things started to float in air, gravity's unstable. The DNA samples of asuras tribe remains are too weak in nature, in decayed state . In order to receive the asuras from spiritual world, the samples has to be fresh and from living..  Sword from ground lifted off the land due to unstable gravity, scratched vishnu on its way swirling around. Everything came to stabalize once the blood of vishnu fall on the land. Vishnu realised that he has the blood of asuras. One of the asuras appeared at gate, raavan - he looked straight into vishnu's eyes. Raavan fathered Maria celestia, daughter of galileo galilei. That's the reason why the assassins refused the council's order to kill Maria and her crew 4 centuries ago. Coz the tribe don't kill one of them - since Maria carries a child of asuras tribe. Before raavan fled to Bermuda, he sent Maria safe to Asia. And vishnu falls under the Maria's son bloodline.. He's the last man standing of asuras tribe, also the reason why vishnu gets constant  head ache after he retired - it's the bloodlust. Asuras has the bloodlust - as long as they kill or hurt, their mind will be fine for a period of time. When training in Bermuda - in order to keep their bloodlust in check, they hurt themselves . Vishnu realised who his father was, he was an assasin too, he had bloodlust too. He was killed by agents of trinity, and he left behind his infant child which was adopted and trained by trinity, that's how vishnu came in the field. While vishnu is processing all those information in his mind, raavan gave his hand forward to vishnu.. Its either an invitation for vishnu to spiritual world or seeking a support from vishnu to help raavan come out of spiritual world. Either way - he's fucked. Vishnu shot himself in the head, woke up a week before in his bed.. Went straight to trinity headquarters office, it appeared as a normal day, he reached the lab at 13th floor in order to find brahma, but ended up facing someone more dangerous.
A man standing in front of large server,

the server that's responsible for the timetravel device is connected to  vishnu's watch

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the server that's responsible for the timetravel device is connected to  vishnu's watch. One of trinity  employee placed a chair behind the person who was standing in front of server , and he sat.
Brahma is standing at the corner, looking at vishnu. The man in control said "the server's on my control. You can't travel back in time anymore. Give me your watch" one of the employee came forward, gave his hand to me to receive my watch..
And vishnu though to himself "what the fuck happened here anyway"

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