MoMA (Ironstrange)

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I've stopped putting LGBT+ as a trigger warning. I only did it to start with because I was receiving hate and death threats with my old stories (they have since been deleted) and I really didn't want to go through that again but now I'm aware that I'm still getting the same amount of hate for including it as a trigger. I'm not receiving the death threats this time that I received last time but it still feels really bad to get hate over this.
I'm part of the LGBT community myself and know exactly where you guys are coming from because I have my own issues with that stuff but for my mental health I wanted to leave the hate and death threats behind so I just included it in a trigger this time (even though I don't believe it should  be considered a trigger).
The hate and threats were so bad the first time that I just deleted all of my books and took a few years break from Wattpad because my mental health was suffering and recently I wanted to start writing again. I'm really hoping that I don't have to delete these books because I really don't want to but my mental health is starting to take another downturn because of the hate and I really don't want it to get to the point that it did last time because I don't think I could handle it again.
Having said that, I don't want you guys to stop commenting and all that but please, please, please don't attack me for trying to protect myself from something that has happened before.
I don't want to sound b*tchy or whingy about it but please, I really don't want to keep going through what I did the first time because I honestly have so much pressure this year and I'm just struggling in general without hate adding on top.
Thank you all for understanding and have a great day!

Before we start
⚠️Trigger warning: LGBT+ couple, content warning⚠️
⚠️Spoilers: none that I'm aware of⚠️
Again message or comment if there is any and I'll add it. Enjoy!


Peter is sure that nothing will go wrong today. It's a harmless field trip to MoMA.
Ever since Peter suffered from a heart attack at age 14 he's had an arc reactor, just like his dad (pops wasn't too happy about it though).

Nothing has gone wrong with it in the year and a half that he's had it, the only people knowing about it being the Avengers , Happy, Pepper and May.

Little does Peter know that his 'little' field trip to MoMA would be even more hectic than he imagined.

-- at school --

Peter's design class spent all day in the bland yellow school bus on their way to MoMA, Ned sat next to him and MJ behind.

Peter begins rubbing at the center of his chest just outside of the arc reactor. He had been feeling chest pains since he woke up but Peter being Peter didn't tell anyone about it because he didn't want to miss out on the trip.

"What's wrong Peter?"

Peter glances at his best friend grimacing as he says "Nothing Ned, don't worry about it."

Ned brushes it off as nothing but MJ narrows her eyes at Peter trying to figure out why he's lying.

-- time skip --

As the class is touring around MoMA looking at the art and displays.

Peter starts to sway grabbing one of the walls for support until he promptly fell forward.

"Peter!" Multiple people call crowding around the teen.

"Calling 'Dad' and 'Pops'" comes a voice from Peter's backpack.

"What the hell was that?" Flash asks "Did that come from Penis' bag?"

"Shut up Flash, it was just Karen" Ned calls out to the teen.

The class jumps when they hear a door slam open, "WHERE IS HE, WHERE'S MY SON!?" Comes one of the voices that busted in.

"Babe calm down, okay he's probably okay" came the reply.

"Why would Karen call us saying that its urgent if it was nothing" the first voice argued back.

"Why would I portal us here if I thought it was nothing I'm just trying to distract you".

"Peter, PETER" Tony calls rounding the corner into the room sliding up to his son on his knees.

"Peter come on Pete, please wake up" Stephen says tapping his son.

Peter shoots up gasping and sputtering. "Pops, it hurts please make it stop" he pleads grabbing on to his Pops arm.

"Pete, Pete what's wrong, hey what hurts?" questions Tony.


"Yeah Underoos, we're here, you need to tell us what's wrong so we can help you okay?"

"M-my chest hurts, Dad what's wrong with me?"

Tony mutters a swear under his breath and tears Peter's shirt off, revealing the barely lit arc reactor. Gasps heard from all around them that were ignored by the two.

"Can you open a portal to my lab and in the desk draw on the right there is a spare reactor?"

The machine gets handed to Tony who reassured his son while attaching it that everything is going to be okay.

Once properly attached Peter starts breathing heavier while everyone states at him incredulously.

His fathers pulled him into a hug Peter slowly coming to his senses.

"I'm so sorry Dad and Pops, I didn't mean for it to get really bad, I should have told you when it started hurting, I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Kid it's okay we're just so glad you're okay, you nearly gave your Dad a heart attack"

"Pops can you take me home please and Dad can you deal with my class?"

"Sure Pete" the both responded. His Pops proceeded to open a portal and his Dad stood to talk to the group of teenagers.

-- Fin --

Thanks sm for reading guys. Every read, comment and vote makes my day. Thank ya'll so much!
Request for any Pt 2s and I'll do them

666 words yo 😈
~Mystic Nova
✌️ Out

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